Objective : To lay down a procedure for work permit system for the execution of project/ maintenance /plant modification jobs in safely.
Scope : This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for all plants/ operations.
Responsibility :
Monitoring – Security Officer, EOHs Manager and Area manager will be responsible to ensure and monitor that above mention work is carried out without a valid permit within the plant premises.
Record Keeping – Record of second copy of the permit will be kept and maintained by the permit issuing department.
Authorization – The hot work permit will be authorized for start of work by any one of the persons mentioned below between 08:30 Hrs. to 17:00 hrs.
a) Production Manager
b) Engineering Manager
c) Plant Head / Location Head
For hot work jobs to continue after 17:00 hrs. Or to be carried out on Holiday / Sunday the permit will have to be specifically authorised by Plant Head / Location Head and Area manager shall be responsible for it.
Abbreviations and Definitions
EOHS-Environment Occupational Health & safety
Procedure :
Form to be used: Fire Permit is prepared in duplicate.
Ist copy( white) – To be kept at Job site / Gate Office
IInd copy(Red) – Operating Department (To be retained in the book)
The permit will be originated after job details have been discussed between operating and maintenance personnel. In no case advance date permit will be authorized.
Permit is initiated by maintenance Engineer /Supervisor /Officer / Executive / area supervisor/officer/Executive indicating description, location, equipment details, date and time of start and finish.
The area supervisor/officer/Executive will then make necessary preparations at the job site as per check-list on the permit. He will initial at appropriate space after completion of all the preparations required.
The Area manager will check to ensure that all necessary precautions have been taken and will arrange a regular vigil till the job is completed.
Area manager / EOHS Manager/EOHS Officer will conduct the explosive meter test (if required) and satisfy himself that the surroundings are safe for welding / hot work.
It is the responsibility of Maintenance /Area Manager to satisfy himself with the preparations made before signing on the permit.
A trained fire watch will be assigned to the job site. The name of this person will be entered on the permit and he will initial it indicating that he has assumed responsibility. A person assigned as fire watch should know what action to take in case of a fire and how to get additional help. He should be conversant with the use of fire extinguishers. He will ensure that no unsafe act or unsafe condition is being created by the working of the maintenance men.
AUTHORIZATION OF THE PERMIT : After completion of all preparations and signatures by concerned personnel, the permit will be authorized for start of work by the authorized person.
Authorized persons for approving start of work are Production Manager / Engineering Manager for jobs around their own work areas. However, for the jobs to be carried out inside operating Flame proof production areas, the permit will have to be specifically authorized by the Eng. Head /Plant Head / Location Head.
One fire watch may observe two jobs at the same time with in same area if authorized.
In case of a fire alarm, all the fire permit issued will get suspended till clearance to restart the work has been given by the authorizer.
While carrying out hazardous jobs, information must be given to the adjacent departments about the work in progress.
At completion or suspension of work at the end of the day (within the validity period), the maintenance Engineer /Officer / Executive will indicate time and date on the permit and return it to the issue department.
The fire watch will maintain a vigil for at least 10 minutes after the job has been completed & will ensured that all working tools & welding sets have been removed from the site.
Preparation for Hot Work
Whenever practicable the equipment shall be moved to a designated safe area. If the equipment cannot be readily moved, all fire hazards in the vicinity shall be removed from the area.
Barriers in the form of fire resistant tarpaulins / blankets shall be used to confine, heat, spark and slag.
Wall openings, holes and grated floor shall be covered to prevent discharge of hot material from one area to another.
When welding slag will be discharged from one floor level to another such as on metal grating floor, the fire watch shall monitor the place where slag will collect.
All flammable and combustible materials must be removed to a considerable distance so as to remove any chance of fire.
For hot work in confined space, vessel entry permit procedure must be additionally followed.
For hot work at height, height permit procedure must be additionally followed.
Excavation permit will be prepared in duplicate
Ist Copy(White) -To be issued to the person carrying out the excavation job (at job site / gate office)
IInd Copy(Red)– To be retained in the book.
The Supervisor / Engineer /Officer / Executive supervising the excavation will generate the Excavation work permit
After necessary arrangement and ensuring that no drainage, sewer lines, hydrant lines going underneath, the Engg. Officer / Executive/ Supervisor will endorse the permit.
He will then get it endorsed from the electrical in charge / supervisor /Officer / Executive regarding the electrical lines passing underneath or in proximity of the area
Then the Supervisor supervising the excavation will get the permit cleared from the Area manager / Engg. Manger for any hazardous situation in and around the site. The Area manager will take necessary precautions and advise specific precautions to be taken by the persons involved in doing the excavation job including use of PPE (personal protective equipments, if necessary.)
When it is ascertained that the area is safe for excavation, the authorised person will authorise the permit for start of the job..
After the excavation job has been completed, the Supervisor supervising the excavation will do the refilling of the excavated site, clear it from the debris and get the permit endorsed from the Area manager and hand it over to Engineering Manager for record.
A fresh excavation permit will be required each day if a job has to be carried over to next day. In case the excavation activity is to continue for prolonged period (days), each day the Supervisor supervising the excavation will obtain signature of the Area manager / Supervisor regarding safety clearance for going ahead with the job.
Guidelines for excavation jobs shall be followed while undertaking any excavation job.
Whenever an excavation is under progress, the excavated part will be cornered / barricaded properly so that no body falls / stables.
If the pit is more than 5 feet in depth, shoring arrangement shall be given to prevent the each from caving in.
While carrying out digging the persons doing the job should be warned to discontinue the job and report if any odour / gas suddenly emanates from within the ground.
Buddy system should be followed for excavation job (i.e. there should always be more than one person doing excavation jobs).
The workmen should be provided with safety goggles if concrete surface is to be excavated. There should not be any flammable material in the vicinity when concrete surface is being broken. Explosive meter test should be carried out to confirm the presence / absence of flammable vapours.
When it is known that electrical cables are going underneath, supervisor will ensure that the electrical connections are duly disconnected.
The Supervisor will personally supervise the job when excavation is being carried out with cables / pipelines underneath so that no damage takes place.
When pipelines or electrical cables are known to pass underneath, the ground will be made soft by spraying water before commencing the excavation.
The Supervisor will inform the Engineering Manager regarding completion of work so that the electric cables can be energised. The electrical dept. will test the site for any electrical leakage before clearing the site for normal use.
When pipelines are going underneath, the excavated portion will be filled only after ensuring that there is no leakage of material.
Vessel entry Permit
Vessel entry permit form shall be prepared in duplicate
Ist copy : To be available at job site
IInd copy : To be retained in the book by operating dept.
Separate permit is required for each vessel entry. Vessel entry permit will have a definite starting and ending time.
A fresh vessel entry permit will be required each day if a job has to be carried over to next day.
It is the responsibility of concerned area Supervisor to initiate a vessel entry permit and make necessary preparations.
The job site will be inspected and checked for necessary preparations by the Area manager / Area manager.
It is the responsibility of the Maintenance Supervisor / Foreman to satisfy himself with the preparations made. In case the job involves hot work inside a vessel, he will obtain a fire permit duly authorised by Plant Head / location Head / Engineer Manager / Production Manager as per the procedure.
Only after all preparations have been made and permit signed by all concerned personnel, it shall be authorised for start of work by the authorised person.
At the expiry of the vessel entry permit or completion of job within the validity period, the maintenance Forman shall indicate the date and time of completion / suspension of work and return it to operating department.
In the event of an emergency alarm / leakage of any chemical, the vessel attendant shall immediately inform the person working inside the come out. The work shall remain suspended till specific clearance to restart the work is given. Re-entry will be permitted only after approval by a person authorised for issuing permit.
Outside observer will not go inside the confined space in case of emergency, but only trained staff should be allowed to do so for rescue, if required and that too only with the aid of SCBA and / or the correct PPE required by the situation.
Inspection of confined space should be carried out before handover of the equipment to the operative staff. He should check the quality of work, reconnect all disconnected lines in proper way, remove all tools, accessories and other removed parts etc. from the confined space / vessel.
It must be confirmed that no inadvertent changes are made in the confined space.
Preparation of vessel / confined space for entry shall be carried out as per the guidelines given along with. Guidelines for entry inside confined space should be followed
Before an entry, the vessel or confined space shall be made free from inflammable and toxic materials.
The confined space / vessel shall be cleaned thoroughly according to the nature of product and residue, the best and most practical method known v.z. hot or cold water wash / flush, steam wash etc. It shall be drained / cleaned air purged and if steam had been used, to be allowed to cool with fresh air.
The vessel must be isolated as per tag system for equipment under maintenance. (Physical disconnection of inlet and outlet pipelines or slip binding of flanged joints must be carried out).
For vessels fitted with internal power driven equipments like agitators, additional precautions on electrical isolation must be taken. Physical disconnection must be carried out by removing electrical circuit breaker from the switchgear or by removing wire splices in junction box and by removing mechanical drive components such as V-belt, chain, drive, couplings etc.
The vessel shall be thoroughly checked to ensure that there is no prominent odour of any chemical / solvents in the vessel and the person working inside can breathe easily.
The following gas test shall be carried out by Area manager / EOHS Manager/ Area Supervisor
Explosimeter test : It should indicate not more than 5% of LEL
Oxygen Content: It should essentially be in between 19.5% and 22.0%.
In case hot work is to be done inside a vessel, the person entering the vessel should produce a spark inside, before actually entering the vessel for work.
The person entering the vessel shall make use of safety belt and lifelines, supplied air mask and other personal protective equipments as may be prescribed.
Regular high voltage lights are not allowed for work inside a vessel. Low voltage (24V) only may be used.
The vessel shall be provided with adequate ventilation. This may be achieved by an air blower or air purge.
A vessel attendant shall be assigned to the vessel opening. The person shall not let the vessel remain unattended under any circumstances when a person is working inside.
When the job is in progress, a warning sign ‘CAUTION – VESSEL ENTRY’ shall be displayed prominently outside the vessel.
All persons must wear protective clothing with a lifeline attached. The lifeline shall be equipped with a double lock snap. Tension or lifeline should be maintained when a person is entering or leaving the confined space.
Emergency exit system should be discussed and provided before persons enter inside confined area / vessel. When person is coming out of tank whether he is climbing on his own or being hoisted tension must be maintained at all times on the lifeline.
The vessel attendant should keep watch in such a manner so as to be able to see the person inside at all times. This person must attend the free end of the lifeline at all times.
Minimum number of manpower should be allowed inside a confined space for work at one time
Work at height Permit
It will be the responsibility of the Area supervisor to ensure that the area is checked for safe work at height using scaffolding or safety belt.
The Maintenance manager / supervisor with Area supervisor to ensure that adequate arrangement has been made to carry out the job safely by providing suitable platform / metallic ladder etc.
Area Supervisor will initiate the work at height ( Attached Form ) if the site is 12 ft. or more in height & Maintenance engineer or supervisor will sign the permit to endorse that adequate safety arrangements are made to carry out the job.
In case the job is to be carried out in any area other than module then maintenance engineer or supervisor will initiate the permit.
The Area manager or Area manager will inspect the work at height permit & the site, once he has ascertained that the site of operation is totally safe ,he will finally authorize the work at height permit in case the job is carried out in area other than module then Engineering Manager will authorise the permit.
It is the responsibility of the Maintenance manager or supervisor to check the area on the day of work and issue permit every day before starting the work.
The original copy of the work at height permit will be available at the job site and the second copy will be retained by the department / area where work is to be carried out.
No wooden cat ladders will be allowed in the plant.
No work will be carried out unless the permit has been obtained in the specified form (Form Attached) and that the same has been duly filled signed by all concerned.
In case of fire alarm, all permits issued for work at height will get suspended till clearance to restart the work has been given by the authoriser
After completion of the job, Maintenance Supervisor / Maintenance manager will indicate the date and time of completion of the job and keep for record.
Maintenance Work Permit
Whenever an equipment needs some maintenance, the Area Supervisor / Manager shall initiate a Maintenance work request & work permit.
The Area manager / Supervisor will hand over the work permit to maintenance Supervisor / Manager giving details of equipment and the breakdown.
It is the responsibility of the concerned Area Supervisor / manager to make all the necessary isolation and keep the equipment ready for maintenance as per safety procedure on Equipment Tagging System
The Maintenance Supervisor / Manager will depute mechanics to attend to the breakdown giving them necessary safety instructions for the particular job.
The Mechanic assigned for the job shall report to the Area Supervisor / Manager and obtain a Work Permit in writing before actually starting the work.
After completion of work, the Mechanic will obtain clearance from the concerned Supervisor / Manager and hand over the Work Request and Work Permit copy to Maintenance Supervisor / Manager for record
The type of jobs covered under the procedure will include painting, white-washing, floor cleaning / polishing, breaking of walls, masonry repairs. Same Procedure as above will be followed.
The procedure shall apply for all jobs even if a particular job is to be done by Contractor personnel.
For any new project work, it will be the responsibility of the work co-ordinator to issue Work Permits to personnel working. The important safety instructions shall be given in writing and Work Permit shall be revalidated on each day of work.
If a job in one area is expected to affect the adjacent area as well, specific written clearance shall be obtained from that department also.
- Equipment inspected personally
- Equipment drained and flushed
- Electrically isolated
- Work area clear and safe
- Proper ventilation
- Sewer openings closed
- Fire hydrant point / hoses checked
- Fire extinguisher available (Specify type)
- Fire watch, Name Signature
- Personal protective equipments (specify)
- Explosive meter test
- Equipment electrically isolated
- Equipment mechanically isolated
- Flushed and cleaned
- Tags put
- Personal protective items Issued /available
- Excavation/Fire/Vessel entry
- Permit issued (if applicable)
- Specific instructions (if any)
- Equipment isolated by Physical disconnection / slip binding.
- Equipment drained, cleaned and purged.
- Electrical isolation of power driver internal equipments.
- Check Area for any hazardous materials present nearby.
- No obnoxious odour and safe to breathe / work inside.
- Personal protective equipment – i) Safety Belt, Lifeline ii) Supplied air mask iii) Informed adjacent area.
- Fire fighting, equipments (specify).
- Has warning sign been put ?
- Ventilation for the vessel.
- Lighting arrangement provided ?
- Person entering the vessel,
- Vessel Attendant.
- Explosimeter Test (if required)
- Oxygen Test
- Scaffolding
- Safety Belt with arrangement for fixing
- Safety Helmet
- Other Safety Measure taken / required for the job
- Safety Instruction ( If any )
- Checked for operation by Production Supervisor
- Checked by Maintenance Engineer / Foreman / Civil Supervisor
- I declare that the above mentioned Safety measures have been taken and permit for work at height may be issued.