OBJECTIVE: To lay down the procedure for Raw material transfer from One manufacturing Site to another site.
SCOPE: This procedure is applicable to Raw material transfer from quarantine of warehouse.
It is the responsibility of warehouse other also assistant to follow the procedure as prescribed in this SOP.
In-charge, Warehouse or designee is responsible for execution of SOP and maintaining the records.
Manager/Executive or designee of Administration department is responsible for giving the training on related tasks.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Head of the P&A Department.
Authorized person from Head of department of Administration shall inform to Warehouse person for dispatch of raw materials. Warehouse department shall enter vendor batch detail in ERP. And give the intimation in the form of Goods Transfer Note. Through ERP software.
Account Department shall prepare draft copy of challan/invoice on paper and same shall checked by warehouse person
Warehouse person ensure that transfer of raw material Invoice Note is approved from authorize person.
After checking Draft copy of invoice and find the all Details are correct than final copy of Challan/Invoice shall be taken on two copies printed and duly signed by Warehouse person.
Warehouse person will physically verify the invoice details.
The delivery instruction shall be written on invoice and inform to Transport Picking up the goods from the factory premises.
After the satisfactory confirmation warehouse person verify the condition of vehicle with any respect to cleanness of vehicle to avoid possible contamination after satisfactory verification allow loading of materials.
Warehouse person shall check the following parameter physically before transferring the raw material.
Quantity /product Detail
Details on original container label
Quantity in loose box
Warehouse person clean the outer surface of container with lint free cloth.
During the loading Warehouse person check the condition of each and every packet for damage vendor seal, leakage, spillage, dent, broken lid, material, identification label. (Batch No., Mfg. Date, Exp. Date), Quarantine label.
Before loading Warehouse person count the number of container, Bags, Packets and after satisfactory verification. Take a gross weight of each container of raw materials and note gross weight on weight checking sheet.
Warehouse person sign on invoice or also prepare and sign the Gate Pass for loaded vehicle outward from factory premises.
Security officer make the entry in outward register with respect their invoice no. and allow to vehicle for outward from factory premises