OBJECTIVE: To lay down the procedure to aware personnel about safety and safety measures to prevent unforeseen leading to loss or damage to personnel, equipment and property.

SCOPEThis procedure is applicable to all the employees for educating about safety and safety measures.

RESPONSIBILITY: Head – Personnel & Admin. / Head of concerned department or designee shall be the responsible to identify the training need of the employees and provide them training accordingly.


Head Quality Assurance.

Plant Head.


Our company makes provision for various safety related work as:

Testing of Pressure Gauges, vacuum gauges, temperature controllers.


Uniform/ Protective clothing.

Personnel protective equipments such as helmets, hand gloves, shoes etc.

Servicing/ testing of firefighting extinguishers.

First Aid Box

Our company from time to time utilizes the services of various outside agencies to carry out certain specific jobs.

Fire fighting extinguishers are regularly examined/ tested to ensure their suitability to deal with fire.

Cleanliness of work place, prohibition of smoking inside the workplace and other measures are taken to prevent occurrence of fire.

Effluents are treated before their disposal to ensure that they are within the limits prescribed by statutory authorities.

The maintenance department regularly check the effectiveness and suitability of our HVAC System and ventilation system for securing and maintaining in every work room:

Adequate ventilation by the intake of fresh air and circulation through HVAC systems.

Temperature is such maintained that will secure to workers there in reasonable conditions of comfort and prevent injury to health.

Maintenance department regularly check, maintain and provide sufficient and suitable lighting without glare/ reflection/ formation of shadows in order to ensure that it does not cause eye- strain or the risk of accident to any worker.

Company made provisions of yearly health check-up of all the employees.

Personnel working in Stores, Production and Quality Control are made aware that the following materials are Toxic or Hazardous in nature.

  • Organic solvents
  • Acids
  • Alkalis
  • Inflammables
  • Chemicals

Note that the safety data sheet list important information regarding potential hazards that will need to be considered, such as toxicity, flammability, reactivity, warning property, symptoms of exposure. Safety training is given to the employees in co-ordination with P&A & Maintenance Department.

One who uses chemicals should be aware of some things which are given below:

  • Process Details
  • Available safety equipment, including personnel protective equipment.
  • Waste collection, storage and disposal requirement.
  • Decontamination procedure.

General guidelines for Personal safety:

Eating, Drinking or smoking in plant premises should be strictly prohibited.

New Safety Google for eye protection while handling corrosive and highly toxic materials.

Wear personal protective kit when handling corrosive toxic or flammable materials.

Wear gloves when handling corrosive and highly toxic materials.

Do not carry corrosive by the mouth of the bottle.

Do not attempt to identify chemical by smell or test. Never sniff regents, especially corrosive ones.

Know how to clean spills of the chemical that you used.

Wash your hands after handling of chemicals.

Eye wash facility should be within easy excess.

What is recommended first aid in case of accidental exposure?

Safety Control:

Engineering control is always the best choice for regulating hazardous material use wherever

Maintenance department regularly check, maintain and provide sufficient and suitable lighting without glare/ reflection/ formation of shadows in order to ensure that it does not cause eye- strain or the risk of accident to any worker.

Chemical Storage:

Chemical storage should be under the supervision of qualified person, store room must have adequate ventilation and security system.

Conduct an annual inventory:

To remove surplus hazardous chemical.

To remove the chemical that will not or has not been used in past 1-3 years.

To correct incomparable storage.

To identify these chemical are present.

To conduct a regular cleanup of container and shelving.

Shelving should be accessible with chemical at eye label or lower no high shelf storage.

Avoid floor chemical storage.

Keep solvent container closed. Ensure chemical storage container is intact. Ensure container lid are intact and closed.

Label properly:

Label content clearly.

Label must be intact and legible

Do not overwrite labels.

Concerned department head identifies training need on safety and it is covered under cGMP/Job training calendar.

All the training records are maintained as per QA SOP ‘Training procedure for Plant Personnel’.

In QC Laboratories for Handling and storage of hazardous chemicals refer the SOP of Handling and storage of hazardous chemicals.

For safety guidelines while working on equipments connected by electrical power supply to avoid electrical accident and ensure personal safety refer the SOP of Electrical Safety.