OBJECTIVE: To lay down a procedure for pest & rodent control with a view to maintain hygiene and sanitation in the factory premises.

SCOPE: This SOP is applicable for pest & rodent control of following Mosquitoes, Cockroaches, Bugs, Ants, Silverfish, Rat and Lizards.


Officer – P&A & Administration

GM Technical Operation & Head -QA


Head of the P&A Manager


Name and address of the contractor: M/s Pest Control Services

Contract :

There shall be a written contract between firm and external agency address mentioned above.

Contract shall include the following :

Type of services, frequency, areas covered, pesticides used with their concentration, feed in Rodent traps, Disposal of dead or live Rodent, pest control service details, first  aid & antidotes for insecticides used for pest control.

Contract shall be renewed annually and shall be available with Plant Head /QA Head.

Rodent Control:

As per the contract the area / points where rodent control is to be carried out shall be earmarked as following:

On floor indicates point where rodent traps shall be placed.

Similarly on floor inside the entry points of the main building where gum pads shall be placed for rodent control.

HR personnel shall check all the rodent trap points for any Rodent trapped in the Trap on daily basis and record the activity.

If any rodent is found in the Trap / gum pad, the concerned HR person shall inform to the contractor for the disposal of the rodent.

Contractor shall also arrange the feed of the trap after disposal of the Trapped Rodent.

Disinfect 2 to 3 foot area around the trap / gum pad with 70% IPA.

If no rodent is trapped in the Trap; feed of the trap shall be replaced by contractor after every 15 days.

Plant manager and Head QA shall verify the activity once in a month.

Pest Control:

Pest control shall be carried out at the specified areas in the premises.

It shall not be carried out at RM storage, PM storage. FG storage area and production and packaging areas.

If shall be ensured that after pesticide spraying, the area shall be closed for 8-12 hrs, wherever feasible.

Drains / Manholes should be properly sprayed with pesticides to prevent entry of cockroaches and other pest from drain points.

Frequency – Twice in a month

Note: In case of rainy season the frequency of pest control shall be every 10 days.


The pest control /rodent control shall be performed by person of external agency along with our authorized person.

Intimation shall be circulated to all the department heads intimating them for pest and rodent control operations to be carried out.

Following precautions shall be taken while carrying out pest and rodent control:

Use of hand gloves and face mask.

Air handling system shall be switched off where pest control is being carried out.

The material in bags / drums etc. shall be closed with appropriate covers like polybags and lids in case of drums.

The devices used for carrying out pest and rodent control shall be dedicated and shall not be stored in factory premises.

The containers / bottles containing insecticides and pesticides and devices used for spraying etc. shall be taken back by the external agency after the treatment.

Before start of routine activities, ensure that the area is properly cleaned.

The employees of the contractor shall use appropriate equipments and clothing while performing pest / rodent control.

After carrying out pest control the concerned supervisor / HOD shall be responsible for evaluation of his concerned area for presence of any dead or alive insects, pest, etc. and observation shall be recorded in the format.

Similarly the contractor also shall provide certificate for completion of activity as per Annexure V.

Both the reports shall be reviewed and authorized by QA.

In case of any observation for live pest & rodent, the same shall be immediately reported to the contractor for taking immediate corrective action and additional pest / rodent control shall be performed.

All necessary Antidotes shall be available in case of any emergency for treatment of poisoning due to pesticides as recommended by contractor.

In case of observation of dead pest or rodent, it shall be carefully enclosed in a polybag and disposed off either by burying in ground or by incinerating outside the factory premises.

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