SOP for Assigning of Identification Numbers to Equipments, Sub-Equipments and In-process SS Items
Objective : To lay down a procedure for Assigning of Identification Numbers to Equipments, Sub-Equipments and In-process SS items in various departments.
Scope : This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to various departments of formulation plant.
Responsibility :
Head of departments or his / her designee shall be responsible for assigning ID. Nos. to equipments, sub-equipments and in-process SS items of their respective departments.
Head-Quality Assurance shall ensure the implementation and compliance of this SOP.
Abbreviations and Definitions
Sub-Equipment : The sub equipments are the equipments installed on the main equipment meant for recording various process parameters during run of that equipment.
In-process SS Items : Any SS item which is supposed to be in direct contact with the product or its ingredients during dispensing, sampling or manufacturing operations.
Note: The numbering of Sieves and Screens shall be done as per SOP titled “Control of Sieves and Screens of different equipment”, numbering of Change Parts of various equipments shall be done as per SOP titled “Control of Change Parts” and numbering of Dies and Punches shall be done as per “Control of Dies and Punches” .
Equipment Numbering: Equipments installed in various departments shall be assigned unique ID. No. as per the steps discussed below.
The first and second character shall be ‘EQ’ denoting equipment.
The third character shall be ‘/’ (slash).
The fourth and fifth character shall denote the department in which equipment is installed. The codes for each department shall be as follows:
PR : Production
QC : Quality Control
EN : Engineering
AH : Administration and Housekeeping
ST : Stores (RM and PM)
WH : Finished Goods Warehouse
The sixth character shall be ‘/’ (slash).
The seventh, eighth and ninth characters shall be the numerical digits for the serial number of equipment. The first number of the equipment shall be 001, 002, 003 and so on.
E.g. the complete ID. No. of equipment installed in Production department shall be EQ/PR/001 and Quality Control shall be EQ/QC/001 respectively.
All equipments with same make, design, function or use shall be given separate ID. No.
List of equipments installed at various departments shall be prepared by respective departments and shall be distributed to QA on need basis (whenever there is a change or installation of new equipment) or monthly; whichever is earlier.
Sub-Equipment Numbering: Sub-Equipments like vacuum gauges, pressure gauges, pumps, detectors, data loggers etc. installed on equipments in various departments shall be numbered as follows:
The sub equipment numbering shall consist of eleven (11) characters.
The first six characters of sub-equipment numbering shall be same as the last six characters of the Equipment ID. No. assigned to the main equipment on which the sub-equipment is to be installed.
The seventh character shall be a dash ‘-’.
The eighth and ninth character shall be two characters representing the type of sub-equipment like, VG for vacuum gauges, PG for pressure gauges, PU for pumps, DT for detectors, DL for data loggers etc.
The tenth and eleventh characters shall be numeric digits starting from 01 for the first item of the same type e.g. vacuum gauges installed on leak test equipment installed in production department heaving Equipment ID. No. EQ/PR/004 shall be numbered as PR/004-VG01.
Note: If different types (w.r.t. their application) of sub-equipments are having identical two principal characters derived from their nomenclature, then their numbering can be made distinct by taking one more character, hence making numbering of sub-equipment of twelve characters, e.g. DPT can be assigned to represent the differential pressure transmitter and DPS for differential pressure sensor.
List of sub-equipments installed on equipments in various departments shall be prepared by respective departments and shall be distributed to QA on need basis (whenever there is a change or installation of new equipment) or monthly; whichever is earlier.
Numbering for In-process SS Items: All in-process SS items with capacity more than 30 kg approximately like Storage Bins, mugs, spatulas, spoons, scrappers, buckets, sampling aids etc. shall be numbered as follows:
The in-process SS item numbering shall consist of five (05) characters.
All the contact items shall be numbered in a three digit (started as 001) serial no. with the prefix of ‘SB’ for storage bins, drums, vessels and buckets; ‘BB’ for blender bins; ‘MG’ for mugs and measuring cylinders; ‘SP’ for spatula/spoons/scrappers and ‘SA’ for sampling aids.
The three numeric characters (started as 001) shall be allotted as per following system:
001 to 099 Stores (RM and PM)
100 to 299 Production Block
300 to 399 Quality Control
400 to 499 Engineering
The allotment of each identification number to each in-process SS items shall be maintained in the register.
For SS items having capacity less than 30 kg approximately, set number shall be assigned as per SOP.
The identification number on each equipment, sub-equipment and in-process SS items shall be conspicuously written.