OBJECTIVE: To lay down the procedure for render immediate first aid in an emergency to preserve life and assist recovery & up keeping of first aid box kept inside the company.

SCOPEThis procedure is applicable to Personnel & Admin department for up keeping first aid box. This procedure is applicable causality for any injury or sudden illness before the arrival of a qualified medical.

RESPONSIBILITY: Officer / Executive – P&A


PROCEDURE: Frist Aid Management

Encourage the employees to voluntary for first aid training.

Arrange first aid training for the employer throw approved hospital authority or medical expert.

Exhibit a list of all such trained personnel indicating their normal work place at the canteen.

Provide first add kit / Box stocked with essential basic items in ach department.

The list of items which should be in the box is given below / ensures the availability of the following in first aid box.

Sr. No. Items Name Sr. No. Items Name
01 Bandage 06 Burnol / Burnheal
02 Band Aid 07 Betadine
03 Dettol 08 Disprin
04 Cotton Roll 09 Scissor
05 Ointment 10 Paracetamol

Conduct monthly or as and when required checking of the items kept in first aid box and replace the expired items and records the same.

Cut And Wounds

Try to stop bleeding at the first step.

Cover wound with clean cloth / sterile gauze and apply direct pressure.

Raise and support the part if the wound is on a limb if there is no fracture.

Place a sterile / clean dressing and padding over the wound. Press down firmly and secure with a bandage. Tie bandage firmly enough to control bleeding but not so tight as to cut of circulation.

If bleeding continuous, do not remove dressing but applying further dressing or pads on top of the originals ones and bandage firmly.

Burns Injury

Never use iodine, cotton, oil or greasy ointment.

Reinsure the causality. Place the injured part under slowly running cold water or immersed it in cold water for at least 15minutes.

Genteelly remove any rings, watches, belt, shoes or other constricting clothing from the injure area before it starts to swell.

Dressed the area with clean, preferably sterile no fluffy materials.

Do not break blister, remove any loses skin or otherwise interfirm with the injured area.

Do not remove any thing that is sticking to a burn.

For Chemicals burns:

Flood the affected area with running cold water for at least 15 minutes gently remove the contaminated clothing while flooding the injured area. Use body shower available in the area for flooding the affected body parts.


Do not move the victim, particularly when the injury to neck or spine easy suspected.

Support affected part.

Support broken bone with a splint (any think hard) pads the splint with rags, cloth or any soft materials. Time firmly in place to keep the broken part for moving.

Do not try to push protruding bones in to place.

Arrange to send the causality to hospital.


Immediate give a large amount of water to dilute poison and call for the doctor.

If medical help is delayed in dues vomiting unless the victim has swallowed corrosive substances.

If the victim has swallowed strong acids or alkaline, give fluids (water, Milk) to dilute the poison.

In case of gas poisoning, transfer the victims in to the fresh air surrounding immediate. If breathing is stop or irregular give artificial respiration. Call for breathing oxygen cylinder and ambulance for taking the victim to the hospital.

Chemical In Eye:

Flush with water immediately for above 15 min separate eyes lids and allow a large amount of water to pour over the affected eye to wash away chemicals till no evidence of chemical remains. Use eye wash fountain or eye wash bottle to clean the eyes.

Cover affect eye with clean bandage and rush victim to a doctor.

Object In Eye:

Foreign partial may be removed by the natural flow of tears or flow of water using eye wash fountain.

If above fails, turn down the lower lid gently and roll the upper eye lid back for inspection. Remove visible particle with the moistened corner of the cloth.

Do not rub or touch immovable foreign particle on the eye ball.

Sharp objects imbedded or penetrated in the eye ball should be removed by a doctor. Cover both eyes with a light bandage and take the victim to a doctor.


Artificial Respiration:

Don’t wait to call a doctor if a victim stops breathing. Act instantly and blow your own breath into the victim’s lungs. Let someone else summon the doctor.

Lay the victim on his back. Remove any foreign matter from victim’s mouth. Place one hand over victim’s neck and lift tilting his head back and down.

Place your open mouth and pinch his nose shut. Exhale into victim mouth vigorously to expand his chest. Remove your mouth to let retuning air escape.

Start with four quick breaths, then once every five seconds. If you do not get air exchange, check head and jaw positions. Make sure tongue is not blocking the air passage. Try mouth to mouth breathing again.

First aid box is kept at Security gate of the factory.

Manager Personnel & Admin or designee checks the first aid box once in three days. He ensures the availability of the every item in first aid box as above mentioned.

Manager Personnel & Admin or designee also keeps check on expiry date of medicines placed on first aid box.

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