OBJECTIVE: To lay down a procedure for Entry & Exit of personnel in the factory premises.

SCOPEThis SOP is applicable for Entry & Exit of personnel in the factory premises..

RESPONSIBILITY: Head of the Department – Personnel and Administration.


Permanent Employees Posted at Plant:

Employees shall enter the premises  with proper identification after biometric (Finger) punching.

Employees shall strictly adhere to timings as allotted to entry/exit.

Respective department head shall inform any change in individual’s duty timings to main gate in advance.

Workers arriving late for duty shall not be permitted to enter the premises.

Staff/workers leaving the premises before schedule timings shall bring the exit pass from their department heads and deposit at main gate. The same shall be submitted to plant personnel on the next day after endorsing out time.

All executives leaving the premises before scheduled time shall enter their particulars in “Officers Out/In Register” with time and reasons.

Time IN/Out in respect of officer / executives shall be recorded by security staff at main gate.

Permanent Employees Posted at Other Units :

Employees from other units visiting plant shall endorse their particulars in Unit with Employee  while entering/leaving the premises.

Contract Employees:

Contractor shall  maintain identity records of his all employees

Contract employees shall be accompanied with their supervisor at the time of their entry.

Contractor/Representative of Contractor shall remain present at main gate at the time of shift change.

He shall identify and detail his men power for various departments as per day’s requirement.

He shall then inform his strength of particular shift to security in charge at main gate.

No late entry shall be permitted to contract workers.

However, early exit may be permitted with valid exit pass signed by respective HODs and countersigned by HR Person.

Contractor representative shall be available in company premises all the time to sort out disputes of his employees.

Other Visitors:

All visitors visiting Unit  shall be received showing full courtesy and ask to whom he/she wants to visit.

Visitor’s identification shall be confirmed.

Visitors coming to meet personnel of Production or other areas shall not approach    directly to the individual but wait at reception/ office.

Individual concerned shall come to reception area and meet the visitor.

Visitors on return shall be requested to deposit the visitors pass at main gate issued to him/her.

Security guard at main gate shall ensure the person whom the visitor met have signed that pass.

Out time on the pass shall be endorsed by the security guard and this shall be filed accordingly.

Representatives of various courier services shall be asked to enter their name and time in the register maintained at main gate and allowed to go to postal department to hand over mail.

Service Engineers visiting Unit to attend AMC of computers, Air Conditioners or any machinery equipment instrument shall be treated as visitors for general business .

Their belongings/tool bag etc. shall be checked and list of items to be taken in shall be prepared at gate.

The same shall be rechecked where they leave the premises after the day’s business.

Students from various institutions coming for project work/educational tour shall be requested to enter their names in the register with incoming/out going timings.  They shall also be asked to declare their belonging and it will be re-checked while they leave the premises.

Prohibition of Photography:

Photography in the premises is strictly prohibited Photographic materials like, camera, films & other photographic materials if brought shall be deposited at the main gate.

In case, photography or videography is required in the premises or in side the departments for reasons like, training, validation work or product promotion or any other justified reasons, the permission from plant manager shall be seeked for this purpose.

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