OBJECTIVE: To lay down a procedure is to acquaint newcomer with all the system and procedure of the Company.
SCOPE: This Procedure is applicable to all recruits.
RESPONSIBILITY: Officer / Executive – P&A
Manager –P&A
Head QA-Compliance Of this SOP
Arrange induction training to a new recruit (except unskilled workers) in each department.
On first day of joining, Manager Personnel & Administration or designee informs new joiner about the Company Policy and Rules.
Manager Personnel & Administration or designee issues him induction schedule as per SOP, SOP Titled “Training Procedure for plant Personnel”, mentioning name of the department, date and duration for which the new joiner has to undergo induction program.
Manager Personnel & Administration or designee introduces the person with respective department heads.
The person contacts the concerned department head in which he has to undergo induction training.
The new comer learns about process, people, practices, rules and other norms of the different departments for minimum one hour during the course of induction.
After induction in a department he takes the signatures of concerned department Head / Nominee in the induction schedule.
After completion of induction in all the departments the employee submits format to the Personnel & Administration department about the completion of the induction program.
In case of unskilled workers, Manager Personnel & Administration or designee briefs him about company policies/ rules and regulations, general hygiene requirements and important aspects for working in pharmaceutical industry, and disciplinary norms to be observed.
Manager Personnel & Administration or designee introduces him to the concerned department head and other associate departments. The concerned department head provides him necessary on the job training.