OBJECTIVE: To lay down the procedure for cleaning of building premises.

SCOPEThis SOP is applicable for cleaning of entire Premises (Production, QA, Administration office, Utility, Security, Panel room, Change rooms, Toilets, Stairs, and Corridors, and outside areas including roads and garden).


House Keeping Supervisor

Officer / Executive Personnel & Administration


HeadPersonnel & Administration

HOD QA-Compliance of this SOP


Mopping- To remove liquid from something using a dry cloth.

Brooming- A cleaning implement for sweeping.

Cleaning Tools;

Mops, Brush, Wiper, Wall cleaner, Glass wiper, Glass cleaner and Vacuum Cleaner.

Use double bucket system for cleaning of area.

Cleaning shall be performed as per procedure given below:

Use the house keeping aids such as normal brooms, nylon brooms, floor and wall wipers, moping cloth for floor cleaning.

Use Colin for glass cleaning.

Use Teepol solution or Harpic for wash basins and toilets.

Use cloth dusters for dry cleaning of door frames, window panes, light fixtures, walls, partitions, sealing.

Use 2.5% Savlon, 2.5% Lysol, and 2.5% Dettol as disinfectant.

Carry out the cleaning and sanitation activities of production and warehouse as per the frequencies  like daily, weekly and fortnightly with proper concentration as per prescribed by QA  SOP  Titled with  ‘Procedure for general cleaning warehouse and production’.

The daily cleaning activities shall be done in all the above mentioned areas are as follows:

Floor cleaning:

Sweep the floor of manufacturing or related area with nylon broom in such a manner that dust contamination in the surroundings is minimum.

Mop the floor thoroughly with a moping cloth soaked in solution of disinfectant in Water.

Mop the gallery area and packing halls using 2.5 % solution of floor cleaner.

Perform floor cleaning as per the requirement but at least two times a day.

Glass panes and mirrors:

Clean the glass panes and mirrors using clean dry cloth.

Spray the glass cleaning agents on glass panes.

Clean the window with clean cloth.

Glass pane cleaning has to be done as and when required but at least twice in a day.

Door & window frames:

De-dust with clean cloth.

Clean the door and window frames with wet cloth soaked in water.

Finally clean them with dry cloth.

Clean the doors and window frames twice in a day.

Light Fixtures:

Only outside cleaning of light fixtures has to be done by housekeeping personnel.

Switch off the light that has to be cleaned.

Clean the light fixture softly with dry cloth.

The light fixtures have to be cleaned once in fifteen days.

If inside cleaning of glass fixtures is required the same has to be communicated to manager engineering. Manager engineering deputes an electrician for doing the same.

Drains Points:

Clean the drain points fortnightly.

Open the coverage of drain points.

Clean the drains with water and brush if required.

Check for any type of insects, cockroaches inside the drain point if found inform the pest control person immediately.

Wash the drain points using phenyl solution or disinfectant solution.

Maintain the record of all activities in General Cleaning Record.


Use the house keeping aids such as toilet brush, wipers, moping cloth for floor cleaning.

Use Harpic, Acid, Teepol for cleaning of basins, sinks, pots and urinals.

Use Phenyl, Dettol and Savlon as disinfectant.

Use Odonil and naphthalene balls as air freshener.

Carry out the cleaning and sanitation activities of toilets as per the requirement but at least twice a day.

Clean the basins, urinals and pots with water.

Apply the Harpic, teepol or acid as per the requirement to the basin, urinal or pots of toilet and keep the same applied for two to three minutes.

Apply the toilet brush or scrubber.

Pour plenty of water and clean the surface.

Put naphthalene balls in the urinals.

Check and replace the air fresheners if required.

Carry out the cleaning activities as and when required but at least twice a day.

Record all the activities in Toilet Cleaning Record.

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