PURPOSE : Any Accident / Incident is a symptom, of some thing wrong in the system. Detailed investigation helps in uncovering the deficiencies in the system and find out the root cause which should be eliminated to prevent reoccurrence of such accidents / incidents. Hence, all accidents / incidents resulting in any minor / major injury, fire, explosion, chemical spill, etc. should be reported in the prescribed form. This form will then serve as a basis for any further reporting to inspector of factories, detailed investigation and other corrective measures.
SCOPE : Any accident / incident taking place within the premises of the factory involving any person, equipment, material, vehicle or had the potential should be reported. This procedure consider only the reporting and investigation analysis of any accident / incident.
Basically every employee / person in the factory is required to report about any accident / incident to his immediate Supervisor or to the gate office.
The Supervisor of the concerned area is responsible to report about accident / incident in his area.
The Area manager is responsible to ensure that all accidents / incidents taking place in his area of control are duly reported within the two Hrs.
Accident / Incident form is to be filled in triplicate within two hours of the incident.
The Supervisor of the area will fill the form and get it signed from the Area manager and distribute as follows :
First Copy :HR Department
Second Copy :EOHS Department
Third Copy : To be retained by the reporting Department
The EHS Manager will send a Xerox copy of the accident form to Plant Head / location Head.
The Personnel Department will decide and arrange to report to the prescribed statutory authorities in the prescribed form, as per the guidelines of factory act.
The Supervisor / Area manager will carry out the preliminary investigation of the accident / incident and report in the accident / incident form.
The EHS Manager along with Area manager will carry out detailed investigation of the accident / incident as soon as he learns about the incident.
In consultation with the Plant Head/location Head, an accident investigation team may be formed and special investigation may be carried out if required.
The EHS Manager / Area manager will finally make a detailed investigation report and the suggestion / recommendation to prevent the recurrence of such accident / incident will be mentioned therein.
The Area manager will be responsible to implement the recommendations made in the investigation report.
The investigation report will be shared with all Area manager and Supervisors for their knowledge and corrective action in their area wherever required within 24 Hrs of closure of investigation.