- BUA is an in-process test that is useful for ensuring the adequacy of the mixing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) with other components of the drug product.
- Definition
- Blend Uniformity (in accordance with FDA Guidance for Industry, ANDAs: Blend Uniformity Analysis, 1999) In-Process Control
- Scope
- BUA or homogeneity testing can be applied to all dosage forms, but is recommended for those dosage forms for which the USP requires content uniformity testing
- Under current good manufacturing practices (CGMPS), an applicant is required to perform a test or examination on each commercial batch of all products to monitor the output and validate the performance of processes that could be responsible for causing variability, which includes adequacy of mixing to ensure uniformity and homogeneity
- Sample Size and Procedures
- Number of Sample : 6 – 10 points
- Potential differences in mixing efficiency associated with specific types of equipment should be considered when determining sampling locations
- Sample Size < 3 x weight individual dose
- If the firm experiences problems in collecting small samples equivalent to 1 to 3 dosage units and demonstrates that small samples give lower values for BUA due to sampling bias, larger samples (usually no more than 10 dosage units) can be collected. Justification for larger samples should be specific to the application under review. Justification based on literature references is usually not adequate.
- Quantity of Sample tested<br />The weight of the sample tested should be equivalent to the dosage used
- If a common blend is used for the manufacture of multiple strengths of the drug product, the weight of the sample used should be equivalent to the weight of the lowest strength of the drug product.
- For a drug product where different strengths are not made from the same common blend, BUA for each blend is recommended.
- Assay (mean or individual results) : 90.0 – 110.0 %
- >RSD NMT 5%
- This will allow compensation for any potential loss in blend uniformity during subsequent manufacturing steps and also ensure compliance with USP acceptance criteria for content uniformity.
- The BUA results should be reported as individual test results, mean value, and calculated RSD.
- Rounding of BUA results to whole numbers is not recommended.
- Stratified Sampling – Stratified sampling is the process of selecting units deliberately from various locations within a lot or batch or from various phases or periods of a process to obtain a sample.
- Stratified sampling of the blend and dosage units specifically targets locations either in the blender or throughout the compression/filling operation, which have a higher risk of producing failing content uniformity results.
- PQRI As a result of industry feedback on this draft guidance, a primary goal of the Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) Blend Uniformity Working Group (BUWG) was to address the gap between scientific principles and the regulatory policy stated in this document
- In addition to extensively sampling the blend, stratified sampling and testing of the dosage units should also be performed, taking samples at defined intervals and locations throughout the compression or filling process.
- Uniformity in different use
- Uniformity Blend Uniformity : for blend (IPC) Unifomity of Dosage Units : for Dosage Unit,Content Uniformity.
- Weight Variation ,Unifomity of Weight : for weight (IPC)
- Unifomity of Dosage Units Accpetance Criteria : AV
- Uniformity of Weight