Certain work activities carry with them a degree of hazard which is considered more than normal. The purpose of this procedure is to identify these work activities. The use of Fire Permit is intended to ensure that every reasonable effort has been made to minimize the risk before the work to be authorised.
PURPOSE : Certain work activities carry with them a degree of hazard which is considered more than normal. The purpose of this procedure is to identify these work activities. The use of Fire Permit is intended to ensure that every reasonable effort has been made to minimize the risk before the work to be authorised.
SCOPE : The procedure will be followed when ever welding, cutting, burning, drilling, soldering or any other open flame work is carried out within the factory premises except the Contractor’s workshop, bitumen melting area .
RESPONSIBILITY : It will be the responsibility of the Area manager / Area supervisor to ensure that no hot work is carried out without an authorised permit within his area of control.
MONITORING – Security Manager, EOHs Manager and Area manager will be responsible to ensure and monitor that no hot work is carried out without a valid permit within the plant premises.
RECORD KEEPING – Record of second copy of the permit will be kept and maintained by the permit issuing department.
AUTHORISATION – The hot work permit will be authorised for start of work by any one of the persons mentioned below between 08:30 Hrs to 17.00 hrs.
a) Production Manager
b) Engineering Manager
c) Plant Head / Location Head
For hot work jobs to continue after 1700 hrs. or to be carried out on Holiday / Sunday the permit will have to be specifically authorised by Plant Head / Location Head and Area manager shall be responsible for it.
Form to be used: Fire Permit (Annexure-1) is prepared in duplicate.
Ist copy – To be kept at Job site / Gate Office
IInd copy – Concerned Department (To be retained in the book)
A separate permit will be required for each job. The fire permit will have a definite starting and ending time. Separate permit is required beginning at 08:30 Hrs. each day.
The permit will be originated after job details have been discussed between operating and maintenance personnel. In no case advance date permit will be authorised.
Part A of the permit is initiated by maintenance supervisor / area supervisor indicating description, location, equipment details, date and time of start and finish.
The area supervisor will then make necessary preparations at the job site as per check-list on the permit. He will initial at appropriate space after completion of all the preparations required.
The Area manager will check to ensure that all necessary precautions have been taken and will arrange a regular vigil till the job is completed.
Area manager / EOHS Manager / Area supervisor will conduct the explosive meter test (if required) and satisfy himself that the surroundings are safe for welding / hot work.
It is the responsibility of Maintenance supervisor / Manager to satisfy himself with the preparations made before signing on the permit.
A trained fire watch will be assigned to the job site. The name of this person will be entered on the permit and he will initial it indicating that he has assumed responsibility. A person assigned as fire watch should know what action to take in case of a fire and how to get additional help. He should be conversant with the use of fire extinguishers. He will ensure that no unsafe act or unsafe condition is being created by the working of the maintenance men.
AUTHORISATION OF THE PERMIT : After completion of all preparations and signatures by concerned personnel, the permit will be authorised for start of work by the authorised person.
Authorised persons for approving start of work are Production Manager / Engineering Manager for jobs around their own work areas. However, for the jobs to be carried out inside operating Flame proof production areas, the permit will have to be specifically authorised by the Plant Head / Location Head.
One fire watch may observe two jobs at the same time if authorised.
In case of a fire alarm, all the fire permit issued will get suspended till clearance to restart the work has been given by the authoriser.
While carrying out hazardous jobs, information must be given to the adjacent departments about the work in progress.
At completion or suspension of work at the end of the day (within the validity period), the maintenance supervisor will indicate time and date on the permit and return it to the issue department.
The fire watch will maintain a vigil for at least 10 minutes after the job has been completed & will ensured that all working tools & welding sets have been removed from the site.
Whenever practicable the equipment shall be moved to a designated safe area. If the equipment cannot be readily moved, all fire hazards in the vicinity shall be removed from the area.
Barriers in the form of fire resistant tarpaulins / blankets shall be used to confine, heat, spark and slag.
Wall openings, holes and grated floor shall be covered to prevent discharge of hot material from one area to another.
When welding slag will be discharged from one floor level to another such as on metal grating floor, the fire watch shall monitor the place where slag will collect.
All flammable and combustible materials must be removed to a considerable distance so as to remove any chance of fire.
For hot work in confined space, vessel entry permit procedure must be additionally followed.