PURPOSE : Excavation work within the factory premises involves the hazard of puncturing / breaking electric cables, pipelines and possible consequences like electrocution, chemical exposure, chemical percolation to ground and serious breakdown of manufacturing activities. The purpose of this permit procedure is to prevent the possibility of such mishaps while performing excavation jobs within the factory premises.
SCOPE : The excavation permit will be applicable to any excavation / digging to be carried out within the premises of the factory for any intention, including fixing of spikes in the ground except gardening.
RESPONSIBILITY : It will be the responsibility of Area manager to ensure that no excavation job is carried out without following the excavation permit procedure.
MONITORING – Security Manager, Area Manager and EOHS Manager will be responsible to ensure and monitor the adherence to excavation permit system i.e. no excavation job to be allowed without a valid excavation permit.
RECORD KEEPING – The Engineering Manager (Eng. Deptt.) will keep and maintain the record of all excavation permits issued.
AUTHORISING – The Excavation permit will be authorised for starting the excavation job by Engineering Manager or his deputy.
Excavation permit will be prepared in duplicate
Ist Copy – To be issued to the person carrying out the excavation job (at job site / gate office)
IInd Copy – To be retained in the book.
The Supervisor supervising the excavation will generate the Excavation work permit.
After necessary arrangement and ensuring that no drainage, sewer lines, hydrant lines going underneath, the Engg. Supervisor will endorse the permit.
He will then get it endorsed from the electrical incharge / supervisor regarding the electrical lines passing underneath or in proximity of the area.
Then the Supervisor supervising the excavation will get the permit cleared from the Area manager for any hazardous situation in and around the site. The Area manager will take necessary precautions and advise specific precautions to be taken by the persons involved in doing the excavation job including use of PPE (personal protective equipments, if necessary.
When it is ascertained that the area is safe for excavation, the authorised person will authorise the permit for start of the job.
After the excavation job has been completed, the Supervisor supervising the excavation will do the refilling of the excavated site, clear it from the debris and get the permit endorsed from the Area manager and hand it over to Engineering Manager for record.
A fresh excavation permit will be required each day if a job has to be carried over to next day. In case the excavation activity is to continue for prolonged period (days), each day the Supervisor supervising the excavation will obtain signature of the Area manager / Supervisor regarding safety clearance for going ahead with the job.
Guidelines for excavation jobs shall be followed while undertaking any excavation job.
Whenever an excavation is under progress, the excavated part will be cornered / barricaded properly so that no body falls / stables.
If the pit is more than 5 feet in depth, shoring arrangement shall be given to prevent the each from caving in.
While carrying out digging the persons doing the job should be warned to discontinue the job and report if any odour / gas suddenly emanates from within the ground.
Buddy system should be followed for excavation job (i.e. there should always be more than one person doing excavation jobs).
The workmen should be provided with safety goggles if concrete surface is to be excavated. There should not be any flammable material in the vicinity when concrete surface is being broken. Explosive meter test should be carried out to confirm the presence / absence of flammable vapours.
When it is known that electrical cables are going underneath, supervisor will ensure that the electrical connections are duly disconnected.
The Supervisor will personally supervise the job when excavation is being carried out with cables / pipelines underneath so that no damage takes place.
When pipelines or electrical cables are known to pass underneath, the ground will be made soft by spraying water before commencing the excavation.
The Supervisor will inform the Engineering Manager regarding completion of work so that the electric cables can be energised. The electrical deptt,. will test the site for any electrical leakage before clearing the site for normal use.
When pipelines are going underneath, the excavated portion will be filled only after ensuring that there is no leakage of material.