PURPOSE: To provide a procedure for Cleaning and Disinfection in Microbiology Lab.
SCOPE: This procedure is applicable for Cleaning and Disinfection in the Microbiology Lab.
CROSS-REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: Preparation and filtration procedure of disinfectant in microbiology lab.
ATTACHMENTS: Cleaning Record of Classified/Non-Classified Area
The microbiologist/Designee/Lab attendant Person shall be responsible for Following this procedure during Cleaning and Disinfection in the microbiology lab & maintaining the record.
Head QC/Designee shall be responsible for To review new or revised SOPs and To maintain the controlled copies of SOPs at the required location
Head QA/Designee shall be responsible for Approving new or revised SOP and To ensure implementation of the system as perthe defined SOP
The plant Head shall be responsible for:To approve new or revised SOP and To ensure implementation of the system as per the defined SOP.
During cleaning of Area, no analytical activity shall be allowed.
Handle the disinfectant carefully to avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Do not use expired disinfectant solutions
The Attendant shall follow the entry & exit procedure.
The mopping trolley should be moving in slow motion in a clean area to avoid particle generation during movement.
The mopping trolley and mopper should not be rusted, mopper should not release fibres.
Daily use freshly purified water/WFI for cleaning
Mopping shall be always from critical to less critical area.
Three-bucket system: Three bucket cleaning sequence shall be used for Sterility/ MLT/CT area in Microbiology lab. In three bucket sequence, required quantity of respective Disinfectant shall be filled in first two buckets and third one will be empty for squeeze the lint free mop.
Dip the mop in schedule disinfectant in Bucket 1st & squeeze the mop in 1st bucket and mop the floor. Again dip the mop in 2nd bucket and squeeze the mop in empty-III bucket and agin dip the mop in 1st bucket and squeeze the same in third bucket and mop the floor. Repeat the procedure during mopping the area.
Bucket system: Two bucket cleaning sequence shall be used for remaining area of the Microbiology Lab. In two bucket sequence, required quantity of respective Disinfectant shall be filled in first bucket and second one will be empty for squeeze the lint free mop.
Note: For Non-Classified Area, BET & LBPC room shall be used two Bucket System, 3rd Bucket shall not be used & second one will be empty for squeeze the lint free mop
After Mopping, Keep the area ideal for 5 minutes.
Cleaning of Non-Classified Area
Floor Cleaning
Follow the procedure entry & exit as per current version of SOP.
Cleaning shall be done by 2 bucket system.
Follow the clause no. : 6.2.2
Cleaning shall be done by 2 bucket system.
Frequency: Twice in a Day or whenever required.
Waste bins shall be done empty.
Maintained the record in current version Attachment-I.
Walls/roofs cleaning, Electric Light Fixtures and furniture cleaning
Take a dry lint free cloth and remove any accumulated dust from the walls, roofs, electric light fixture and furniture available in non-classified area.
Sanitize the walls and roof with spraying filtered 70% IPA followed by dry mops.
Clean the glass windows and glass view panels with Colin solution.
Frequency: Once in a week or whenever required.
Maintained the record in current version Attachment-I.
Cleaning of Classified Area
Floor cleaning Follow the procedure entry & exit as per current version SOP.
Floor cleaning shall be done by 3 bucket system as per current version of SOP.
Frequency: Twice in a Day or whenever required.
Waste bins shall be done empty.
Maintained the record in current version Attachment-I.
Walls/roofs cleaning, Electric Light Fixtures and furniture cleaning
Use the schedule disinfectant described in Table-I for the cleaning of walls and roofs cleaning.
Use a lint free autoclaved cloth and dip into the disinfectant and mop the surface of walls and roofs properly.
All electric fixture shall be cleaned with dry lint free autoclaved cloth. Filtered 70% IPA may also be use carefully. Spray the IPA solution on the mop and apply this mop to clean the electric light fixtures.
Frequency: Once in a week or whenever required .Maintained the record
Prepared 0.2% Teepol solution as per current version SOP No. : “Preparation And Filtration Procedure of Disinfectant in Microbiology Lab” can be used for removing stain as and when required followed by scheduled disinfectant.
Cleaning and Sanitization of Drain Point/Sink/Waste Bin/Trolley wheel
Clean the drains, sinks with Purified water.
Fill the beaker of drain with scheduled disinfectant or flush the drain with disinfectant solution.
Clean the waste bin with schedule disinfectant.
For Classified Area Waste bins mop with filtered 70% IPA.
Trolley wheel shall be cleaned by filtered 70% IPA.
Cleaning shall be done at the end of working or whenever required.
Disinfectant Consumption, Preparation & Destruction:
Disinfectant consumption, Preparation & destruction as per current version of SOP.
Disinfectant Schedule
Disinfectant shall be scheduled as per current version of SOP .
Frequency for Area Cleaning/sanitization
Frequency as per Table III.
Section | Area | Frequency |
Microbiology Lab | Floor | Daily Twice and whenever required |
Walls/roofs cleaning, Electric Light Fixtures, Drain Point/Sink/Waste Bin & furniture cleaning | Weekly once and whenever required |
Note: LAF and Biosafety should be cleaned after completion of Testing by filtered 70% IPA.
Cleaning of Three Bucket System or 2 Buckets
After cleaning transfer these three buckets/ two buckets to the washing area of the microbiology lab.
Note: For Classified (Sterility/MLT/CT Area): after cleaning transfer these three buckets/ two buckets to the washing area of the microbiology lab through the pass box.
Squeeze water and disinfectant solution soaked in mop.
Clean the smart mop with fresh purified water, three-four times & squeeze to remove excess solution until all the dirt from the mop is removed.
Drain out all dirty solutions & remaining disinfectant solutions from buckets.
Wash all three buckets/two buckets with teepol solution then fresh purified water & finally with Filtered 70% IPA.