New Product Design and Development Process

New Product Design and Development Process

  • Objective

To lay down a Procedure for New Product Design and Development Process.

  • Scope

This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to pharmaceutical formulation plants.

  • Responsibility
Head, Clinical Research:Conducting Clinical Trials as per the Good Clinical Practices and review and compilation of data for DCGI permission.
Head, RACompilation of data for the application of manufacturing License and applying for manufacturing License.
Head, Materials Managements:Arrangement of Raw Materials, Machine change parts for the product development & initiation of vendor approval.
Head, Production:Ensuring availability of machine change parts and facility arrangement for manufacturing of new product and if required assistance in purchasing of new machine, training of existing / new production personnel related to new product manufacturing process.
Head, QA:Vendor approval, artwork approval, distribution of all required documents to concerned department for the launch of the product, review of stability data, review of product development report, product specification report, scale-up batches report & also review of analytical method validations and qualification data of new equipment.
Head, QA  and Market Research:To provide New Product details & requirements to R&D.
Head, R&D:Initiation of product development at laboratory scale.
All Heads:Responsible for compliance to the procedure and continuous sending of updated current status of Product under development to QA.
  • Abbreviations and Definitions
ARD:Analytical Research and Development
COA:Certificate of Analysis
DCGI:Drug Controller General of India
FRD:Formulation Research and Development
GCP:Good Clinical Practices
GMP:Good Manufacturing Practices
MSDS:Material Safety Data Sheet
NPDC:New Product Development Committee, A group generally comprising Heads of all operational departments i.e. QA, QC, Production, Materials Management, Marketing, QA &  R&D, Clinical Research, RA and committee being headed by Managing Director.
NPDP:New Product Development Process
NPLAC:New Product Launch Activity Chart
PDR:Product Development Report
Phase:Distinct period or stage in the process of development of product.
PSR:Product Specification Report
STP:Standard Test Procedure
SUP:Scale-up Batch Report
  • Procedure

New Product Development Process shall be handled in phases. All the phases shall be executed simultaneously or sequentially as per requirement during new product design/development process.

Phase I

  • The NPDC shall discuss conceptually about the new product(s) development status at the R&D in the NPDP meetings. All the committee members shall contribute their suggestions for the development of new products and plan the strategy to launch the product(s). Based on the discussions respective marketing head shall identify the products under development or shall suggest the New Products’ requirements as per the market needs.

Phase II

  • Depending on the product’s requirement in the market, Head-QA  & Market Research shall initiate ‘New Product Development Request’  in coordination with respective Marketing head and shall fill all the details mentioned in the ‘New Product Development Request’.
  • Head, QA  & Market Research shall assign New Product Development Number having nine characters as NPDXXX/YY, where

NPD    : Stands for New Product Development

XXX   : Denotes serial number of the request starting from 001 to 999.

YY      : Denotes respective year of the request.

A new series shall commence at the beginning of every calendar year.

E.g.: A fifth request for the new product development for the year 2021 shall be numbered as NPD005/21.

  • Head, QA  & Market Research shall forward filled ‘New Product Development Request’ to the Head-R&D.
  • If required Head, QA- Market Research shall provide innovator/reference product available in the market to the R&D.

Phase III

  • Head, FRD shall go through all the details of the identified product mentioned in the New Product Development Request and shall proceed for the development of the new product at the laboratory scale.
  • FRD and Packaging Development (R&D) personnel shall develop specifications of the Raw and Packaging Material respectively required for the new product development. At the same time, Analytical Research and Development Department shall develop STP for the specified raw material/packaging material.
  • Head, FRD shall raise the requisition for the raw/packaging material along with the tentative specifications and machine change parts / new machine for the product development & forward it to the Head-Materials Management.
  • Materials Management shall procure the raw/packaging material and machine change parts, if required as per the specifications provided by the FRD. Head, Materials Management shall also arrange for raw / packaging material with the manufacturer’s COA and MSDS and reference Standards.
  • Materials Management consecutively shall initiate the vendor approval process.
  • Head, FRD shall finalize composition, label claim, tentative manufacturing procedure, Finished Product specification after the availability of the required raw and packaging material and machine change parts, and initiate preparation of Laboratory Pilot Scale Batches of new product. Upon successful completion of Laboratory Scale batches of new product, a Product Development Report shall be generated by Head-FRD along with Product Specification Report .
  • Each Product Development Report shall be numbered by FRD having nine characters as PDRXXX/YY where
  • PDR: Stands for Product Development Report
  • XXX : Denotes serial number starting from 001 to 999.
  • YY: Respective year
  • Each Product Specification Report shall be numbered by FRD having nine characters as PSRXXX/YY where
  • PSR : Stands for Product Specification Report
  • XXX: Denotes serial number starting from 001 to 999.
  • YY: Respective year.
  • At the same time Head-ARD shall start the development of the STP for in-process material & finished product and data on stability-indicating method. The analytical method development data shall be submitted by Head, ARD to Head-QA for review.
  • Head, FRD shall arrange for the stability testing of the new product developed at laboratory pilot scale. A stability data shall be generated after accelerated study of at least three months by analyzing stability samples.
  • The PDR, PSR and accelerated stability study data shall be provided by R&D to QA for the review.
  • QA shall prepare New Product Launch Activity Chart  and shall update it as and when QA gets any information regarding New Product Development from respective department.
  • Updated status of new product development shall be circulated by QA to concerned departments of NPDC through NPLAC as per the requirement.
  • After successful completion of laboratory pilot scale batches of identified/selected new product at laboratory scale, Head-FRD shall provide following required data to Head-RA for application of the manufacturing license.
  • Facsimile Label
  • Composition
  • Brief Manufacturing process
  • Raw material and Finished Product specifications/STPs
  • Certificate of Analysis
  • Stability data – minimum 3 month accelerated stability studies,
  • Dissolution Profile, etc.

Phase IV

  • NPDC shall decide whether the new product shall be manufactured In-House or at Contract Manufacturing (Loan License / Third Party) Location .
  • RA department shall apply for DCGI permission or the manufacturing License after receiving required data from the R&D.
  • Simultaneously QA in conjunction with Materials Management shall start the process to approve the Vendor(s) for the Raw materials as well Packaging.

Phase V (If applicable)

  • The samples for the clinical trial shall be manufactured by the R&D. It shall be ensured that these batches are manufactured in the cGMP facility approved by the drug regulatory authority. The same samples shall be delivered to the Head-Clinical Research for the conduction of the clinical trial.
  • The stability studies as per the requirement shall be conducted for clinical trial batches.
  • Head, Clinical Research shall arrange for clinical trials as per the Good Clinical Practices or available SOPs and compilation of all the data.
  • If required, an on-site audit of Clinical Trial Center shall be arranged by Head, Clinical Research in coordination with Head, QA & Market Research or Head, QA or by a consultant.
  • Upon successful completion of the clinical trial, the data shall be compiled & submitted to DCGI by RA or Clinical Research. After approval by DCGI, RA shall apply for manufacturing License.
  • Head, RA shall inform respective marketing division regarding DCGI approval.
  • After DCGI permission, respective marketing division shall submit sample and sales estimates (strength-wise, annual and first 4 months). New product price proposal shall also be circulated by respective marketing division to the all members of NPDC & Logistics.

Phase VI

  • From laboratory scale successful trials & data generation up to manufacturing of product at production floor four months are required.
  • Head, R&D shall arrange for schematic presentation of manufacturing process & testing procedures of new product to concerned departments. Accordingly concerned department shall give inputs regarding improvement in manufacturing process/testing procedures to Head, R&D. If possible such suggestion can also be incorporated in final TD or Spec/STP. Head, R&D shall also arrange for issuance of tentative TD (Manufacturing / Packaging) to concerned department.
  • Head, QA, and Head, RA shall arrange for final compilation of data on label claim, composition, brief manufacturing procedure, raw/packaging material specification, stability data, and primary packaging development.
  • After obtaining the Mfg. license the Head, RA shall arrange for the distribution of copies of Mfg. license to the concerned department.
  • Final Technical Direction (Mfg & Packaging), Spec. / STP of Raw and Packaging material, Finished Product, and In-process Material shall be generated by R&D.
  • After approval of Technical Direction, Spec. / STP of Raw / Packaging Material, Finished Product, In-process, QA shall distribute the required document to the concerned department(s).
  • After receiving the Raw/Packaging material specification by QA, Materials Management shall proceed for the procurement of the raw/packaging material from the approved vendor.
  • Raw / Packaging material approved by QC shall be used for manufacturing of the new product.
  • The process for designing of artwork shall be initiated parallely.
  • R&D shall generate the facsimile label and forward it to Head, Clinical Research, RA, and QA for approval.
  • After approval, a facsimile label shall be forwarded to Materials Management or Packaging Designing (as the case may be) and accordingly artwork shall be initiated. These artwork shall be approved as per the SOP ‘Designing and Approval of Artwork’
  • R&D shall send samples of the new product manufactured at lab scale to the Head, Production with specifications for the required dies & punches, any additional change part &/or any additional instrument/machine (if required).
  • Head, Production shall arrange for the required dies and punches, and if required machine change parts or any additional machine/equipment.
  • Qualification studies for any new equipment/machine to be used for particular new product shall be completed before initiation of manufacturing of that product as per the company’s Master Validation Plan.
  • After ensuring the availability of approved raw / packaging material, dies and punches, change parts & facility, Head, Production shall give BMR Issue Request to the Quality Assurance
  • Head, QA shall ensure availability of Mfg. Lic., approved Specs / STPs of all Raw / Packaging material, In-process Material, Finished Product, Technical Direction (Mfg.& Packaging), validation protocol (if required) and then issue the BMRs to the Production ensuring the availability of approved raw and packaging materials in the stores.
  • The first three commercial batches shall be manufactured under supervision of R&D scientist. Any change done during the optimization shall be documented on form ‘Change(s) Done During Optimization’ . This form shall be enclosed with respective BMR after specifying changes along with reasons. A process validation shall be carried out for the three consecutive batches as per the specific requirement of any country or regulatory authority.
  • Production Scale-up Batch Report (SUR) shall be generated by Production in co-ordination with R&D regarding summary of optimization changes done at production floor.
  • Each Scale-up Batch Report shall be numbered by production having nine characters as SURXXX/YY where
  • SUR    : Stands for Scale-up Batch Report
  • XXX   : Denotes serial number starting from 001 to 999.
  • YY      : Respective year
  • A SUR shall be reviewed by R&D, QA & any change in process shall be handled as per the SOP titled ‘Change Control’ .
  • A New Product Launch Activity Chart shall finally be closed by QA after successful manufacturing of new product at production floor.
  • Forms and Records
    • New Product Development Request
    • Product Development report
    • Product Specification Report
    • New Product Launch Activity Chart
    • Brand Plan Module TM
    • Change(s) Done During Optimization
    • Scale-up Batch Report
    • Flow Chart for New Product Development Process
  • Distribution
    • Master copy – Documentation Cell (Quality Assurance)
    • Controlled copies – Documentation Cell (R&D), Market Research,Production, Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs,Materials Management,Managing   Director, Quality Assurance
  • History
DateRevision NumberReason for Revision
00                                                New



New Product Development Request
No. :                                                          Sign :                                         Date :
Product Details
Name of the Product :

Generic Name :

Brand Name for Search  :

Tentative launch date :

Market:                                 Domestic                                                Exports

Innovator Product/Reference Product :
Pharmacopoeial status
Dosage form
Label claim / Strength
Pack sizes required
Description of the product in details
Tablet :

Type of tablet

Chewable tablets                                                 Mouth dissolving

Buccal Tablet                                                        Sublingual Tablet

Delayed-release                                                    Sustained release

Colour,  size, shape of the tablet
Marking on the tablet
Type of coating

Uncoated                                                              Film-coated

Sugar-coated                                                        Enteric-coated

Capsules :
Hard gelatin / soft gelatin
Colour,  size, shape of the capsule
Printing on shell
Special requirements
Ampoule (Volume)
Vial – Single-dose                                                  Vial – Multidose
Dry Powder for reconstitution
Liquid Oral
Clear liquid                                               Emulsion                                    Redimix
Suspension ready for use
Liquids for suspension
Dry powder
Approved colouring agent
Bottle (glass / HDPE or any other)
Ointments / Creams / Gels
External application
Emulsion / solubilized system
Aluminum tube / Lami tube
Glass jar / HDPE jar
Packaging specifications required
Aluminum strip
Blister strip
Glassine strip
Bulk (Please specify size)
Any special packaging requirement




Brand Name                :                                            Market                   :

Generic Name             :                                            Mfg. Lic. No.           :

Product Code              :                                            DCGI App. Date   :

Product Abb.              :                                            Mfg. Location        :

Dosage Form               :

Label Claim                 :



Reference for New Product Development Process


  1. New Product Development Report No. : Date :
  2. Laboratory Pilot Scale Batch Development Report No. : Date :
  3. Product Specification Report No. : Date :
  4. Stability Studies Data : Date :
  5. Brand Plan Module Reference No. : Date :
  6. Schematic Representation by R&D : Date :



S. No.ParameterDocument Reference No.Remarks/ Status
1.Technical Direction (Mfg.)M. F. NoBatch SizeEffective DateStatus

2.Technical Direction (Pkg)P. F. NoBatch SizeEffective DateStatus
3.Process validation ProtocolProtocol No.Effective DateBatch Size




Vendor Approval for RMItem CodeApproved Vendor
5.Spec./STPsDocument Reference No.Remark /Status
(A)Finished ProductSpec. / STP No.Effective DateStatus
(B)In-process materialsSpec. / STP No.Effective DateStatus
(C)Raw MaterialsItem CodeSpec. / STP No.Effective DateStatus
(D)Packaging ComponentItem CodeSpec. No.Effect. DateSTP No.Effect. DateStatus


Change(s) Done During Optimization

Change(s) Done During Optimization

(Attach this form with the Deviation Report)

Brand Name:                                                                   Batch No.      :

Generic Name:                                                                Dosage Form :

Master Formula No.  :                                                  Batch Size       :                                                                  

Mfg. Date:                                                                          Exp. Date         :       

Mark ‘Ö’, against whichever is applicable

Change in Manufacturing Process

Change in RM Specification

Changes in Weighment Sheet

Change in Finished Product Specification

Change in In-process Specification

The changes in the above document(s) shall be proceeded through SOP titled ‘Change Control’

Brief description of the change(s) – specify reason

(If space is insufficient, a duly signed enclosure can be attached with this form)



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About Pharmaceutical Guidanace

Ms. Abha Maurya is the Author and founder of pharmaceutical guidance, he is a pharmaceutical Professional from India having more than 18 years of rich experience in pharmaceutical field. During his career, he work in quality assurance department with multinational company’s i.e Zydus Cadila Ltd, Unichem Laboratories Ltd, Indoco remedies Ltd, Panacea Biotec Ltd, Nectar life Science Ltd. During his experience, he face may regulatory Audit i.e. USFDA, MHRA, ANVISA, MCC, TGA, EU –GMP, WHO –Geneva, ISO 9001-2008 and many ROW Regularities Audit i.e.Uganda,Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. He is currently leading a regulatory pharmaceutical company as a head Quality. You can join him by Email, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and YouTube

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