OBJECTIVE: To lay down the procedure for Medical Examination of all employees.

SCOPEThis procedure is applicable for Medical Examination of all employees working.

RESPONSIBILITY: Officer/ Manager – Personnel & Administration.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Head QA – To ensure implementation of SOP.


Qualified Physician– A person having medical degree and government registered practitioner. 

Medical Examination and Report Review:

All employees should be examined by a qualified physician.

All personnel shall undergo medical check-up prior to employment. The medical check-up shall be for fitment check-up for the job, which includes eye examination, colour blindness, tuberculosis, skin and other communicable contagious diseases.

In case a person found unfit for the job or affected by any contagious disease, he/she shall not be recruited.

The medical check-up shall be done for staff/workers once a year. Record shall be maintained by HR department.

After the medical check-up, the doctor shall certify about the fitness of the employee.

In case a person found affected by any contagious disease during the yearly medical check-up, he/she shall not be allowed to work and shall be advised for future necessary treatment.

After completion of the treatment the employee shall be allowed to resume his/her original place of employment after obtaining medical fitness certificate by a qualified physician.

HR department shall maintain required records or certification by the physician.


No clothing issued from linen to be stored in lockers.

Each employee is provided with a locker which must be kept clean and free of dust.

Dirty protective clothing, dirty or rusty equipment and food scraps and other rubbish must not be stored in lockers.

Personal or street clothes and company issue protective clothing must not be stored together. Footwear must be placed on the bottom of the locker or opposite of entry to manufacturing and packaging area and must not contact any other item.

Personnel Access:

Employees must not move from a restricted or dirty area to a clean area without first changing into clean outer protective clothing and footwear and thoroughly washing hands with IPA. This also applies to visitors and personnel.

Maintenance staff and personnel must not enter production areas without gowning and hair covering.

Visitors must be suitability attired for the area which they wish to visit.

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