Mapping of the Environmental Conditions (Temperature and Relative Humidity)
Objective : The objective of this validation study is to provide a document evidence of Temperature and Relative Humidity distribution in Ware House area against predetermined acceptance criteria.
Scope : The scope of this protocol shall be applicable at formulation Plant. The validation study of the Temperature and Relative Humidity distribution in Ware House area shall be carried out for one year on once in quarterly to check the seasonal variations also.
Responsibility :
Quality Assurance : Preparation of validation protocol and report; review of validation data; verify the activity during recording;
Functional area : To check the protocol and report, arrangement & Setting of electronic thermo hygrometer or data logger as per given locations; perform the validation activity as per the protocol; preparation of validation report along with QA.
Engineering : To Check the Protocol, Report and provide support with equipments, facility and manufacturing conditions.
Head -Functional Area : Approval of Protocol and Report With respect to its intended purpose and to make evaluation on compiled data.
Head -Quality Assurance: Approval of Protocol and Report correctness and adequacy of the text and the experiment, regulatory compliance, correctness of the data and compliance of the protocol.
Head-Engineering : To approve the Protocol and report and ensure the conditions provided to the area is as per Design.
Validation Team members : Validation team shall comprise of the representatives from following functions:
Ware House
Quality Assurance
The personnel involved in validation activity shall put the information in the format.
Abbreviations :
NMT : Not More Than
SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
Temp. : Temperature
RH : Relative Humidity
Pre-requisites for Validation
Equipment/Instrument : The following instruments are to be used for Mapping of the Environmental Conditions (Temperature and Relative Humidity) in ——– Area.
S. No. / Instrument Name / Make /Range
Note: List of instruments used in the mapping process shall be prepared as per the format attached as Annexure- and shall be made a part of validation report.
Documents :
SOP of the Electronic thermo hygrometer.
SOP of the Electronic Datalogger.
Acceptance Criteria : Area description, Environmental conditions and Acceptance criteria shall be followed.
Procedure :
Area should be in operation for at least 24 hours prior to performing this test.
All lights in the subjected area should be kept ‘ON’ during the testing.
The electronic thermo-hygrometer or Dataloggers are to be placed at various test spots in the room/ area at the top level, middle level and bottom level of the room.
Record the Temperature & Relative humidity for 7 days at the time interval of 1 hour for each room for 8 hrs.
Repeat the exercise quarterly as per seasonal basis, once in the recommended months of
November, December & January (Winter Season)
February, March & April (Spring Season)
May, June & July (Summer Season)
August, September & October (Monsoon Season)
Summarize the results for seasonal wise in temperature and RH.
After completion of one year, report shall be prepared on the basis of results obtained.
Re-validation : Revalidation shall be considered and done if required when any of the following conditions occur or
prevail: When ever a major change have been done in the area.
Deviations and Investigations
Any deviation to this protocol and thereupon investigation shall be recorded as per Annexure-12.
Validation Report :
Based on the outcome from this validation study, a report shall be prepared by Functional department and Quality Assurance. The validation report shall be reviewed and then approved by functional head, QA and engineering departments. Validation Report shall include following:
- Cover page of the Report
- Validation Report Approval Sheet
- Validation Report Summary and conclusion
- Validation Team Members
- Equipment/ Instrument List
- Design Conditions and Acceptance Criteria
- Locations for Monitoring
- Cover page of the Report
- Validation Report Approval Sheet
- Validation Report Summary Conclusion
- Deviation form
- Temp. and RH Recording Sheet