OBJECTIVE : To lay down a procedure for handling e-waste.
SCOPE : This SOP is applicable for handling e-waste.
RESPONSIBILITY : Officer and above shall responsible for preparation of SOP and create numbering system of computer and accessories.
Executive and above shall responsible for Reviewed/Checked of SOP.
Head QA shall responsible for approval of this SOP.
ACCOUNTABILITY : Executive and above shall be accountable for the implementation of SOPs.
Electronic waste (e-waste), is a generic term used to describe all types of old, end-of-life or discarded electrical and electronic equipment, such as household appliances; office information and communications equipment; entertainment and consumer electronic equipment; lighting equipment; electric and electronic tools.
Printing Media
On consumption of Ink Cartridges, toners, printer ribbons, the same shall be exchanged with the newer requirement, sending the same to Engineering Store and their by to the supplier of such consumables.
Data Storage Devices
Defected CD’s / Floppy Disk and other external storage devices received from other Departments are collected and wiped / formatted to ensure no data is available / accessible considering safety and security of the Data. Once the process is completed defected CDs/Floppy Disks are handed over to the consumables supplier for disposal.
Computers & Printers
Old computers with unsuitable configuration are exchanged for latest model with the buy-back offer from the supplier ensuring no data accessible from the storage media of that system.
Multi – functioning & beyond repair Printers are repaired / replaced with good compatible working printer.
PCs, Printers and other devices which are not collected by the suppliers are identified, labeled and stored in the secured place till e-waste collecting source is identified.
Documentation procedure shall be executed to generate authorized Scrap Note Form, clearing the asset from the asset list and updating the IT assets.
Necessary Information on e-waste and its handling shall be shared and updated to the electronic goods suppliers.