Objective : To lay down a procedure for electronic data backup management system.
Scope : This standard operating procedure is applicable at IT department.
Responsibility :
IT personnel shall be responsible for taking the backup.
IT personnel shall be responsible for retrieving the tapes form other location.
Officer/Executive IT shall be responsible for destruction of backup tapes.
Head-QA/Designee shall be responsible for the compliance of the SOP.
For Whole Plant
Frequency: Monthly
Backup shall be taken by IT personnel in a new tape.
Tape shall be assigned with a unique eleven digit alphanumeric characters.
First Character shall be “C” denoting Company Name.
Second character shall be “B” representing Backup.
Third and fourth character shall represents code assigned to the department e.g. WH for whole plant and QC for Quality Control and so on.
Fifth, Sixth and Seventh character shall denotes the serial number of the tape.
Eighth character shall be a dash “-”.
Ninth and tenth character shall be the last two digits of the calendar year e.g. 25 for 2025 and 26 for 2026.
Eleventh character shall be “A” for Tape 1 and “B” for tape 2.
Tape 1 shall be retained at plant while tape 2 shall be retained with IT department at other locations in fireproof area.
Each department personnel shall store the data (Data whose backup is to be taken) in Z drive of their system.
IT personnel before taking the backup shall intimate all the users well in advance regarding the date of taking the back by electronic means.
IT personnel shall affix the number on the tape in the space already provided on the tape.
IT personnel shall record the number allotted to the particular tape.
IT personnel then take the backup using backup software
Backup procedure: Choose the network drive to backup with verification option
After completion of backup, check the automated reports for any error.
On finding the error, replace the faulty tape with a new tape.
Assign the same number to the new tape.
For QC department
Frequency: Monthly
Numbering procedure for the tapes shall remains.
Storage of the backup data
Every backup shall be taken in doublet; Tape-1 shall be retained at plant under the authorization of Head-QA in a separate fireproof, lock and key arrangement, while Tape-2 shall be retained under the same conditions under the custody of Head-IT/Designee at other location.
Tape 2 shall be retrieved from IT personnel prior to destruction; also both tapes shall be destroyed at the same time.
Every tape shall be retained for a period of not less than six years, after six years destruction of the same shall be done under the supervision of Head-QA/Designee and Head-IT/Designee.
Destruction record shall be retained with QA documentation cell.
Note: In case some data has lost from any system; the concerned department head/designee (In absence only) shall raise a request and send the same to Head-QA/Designee (In absence only) for the approval with proper justification; only after the approval from QA, Head-IT/Designee shall upload the required data to the user system
Note: Backup shall be taken by IT personnel through single user id i.e. from Administrator login id only.