Batch Manufacturing Record(BMR)

Batch Manufacturing Record(BMR)

Product Name: Atorvastatin  calcium equivalent to Atorvastatin 10 mg,Batch Size:2000000 tablets


Each film-coated tablet contains: Atorvastatin  calcium equivalent to Atorvastatin 10 mg

Checklist of BMR

Check Points

Batch release and composition

Checklist of BMR

General instruction

Line clearance check for  dispensing

Dispensing sheet of Raw Material

Dispensing sheet of Coating Material

Calculation of Material

General instruction for manufacturing

Equipment required for manufacturing

Manufacturing  Process

Line clearance of granulation

Affix dispensing label

Manufacturing process

Line clearance check for blending


Weight and reconciliation record of blend

Analysis requisition sheet for blend analysis

Compression Process

Compression general  instruction

Line clearance  for compression

Initial checks  for compression parameters & metal detector  performance record

Start-up checks

In-process checks(RH.S)

In-process checks(L.H.S.)

Uniformity of  weight

Weight record of compressed tablets. Reconciliation

Analysis requisition sheet

Coating process

Line clearance for the coating process

Affix coating material dispensing label

Coating process & parameter record

Weighing record of coated tablet. Reconciliation of coated tablet

Analysis  Requisition sheet

Tablet inspection

Reconciliation of inspected tablet

Documentation reconciliation

General Instructions

Dispensing of Raw material

 Use a nose mask and hand gloves during the operation.

Check for line clearance, and cleanliness of the area  equipment and record the observations

Check the temperature %RH  & differential pressure  of  dispensing area (20-25°c , 50±20%  NLT 1.2 mm of water)

Check for the approved label and necessary details (material name, item code, manufacturer’s name,, MFG, EXP, A.R No, retest date, etc.) on the raw material container before weighing.

Check and transfer the raw material required for the batch near the dispensing booth.

Operate dispensing booth as per current SOP. Dispense the excipients first, and remove them from the dispensing area prior to active ingredient dispensing.

Make necessary entries in the manufacturing work order and the  store ledgers

Attach the duly filled dispensed material label to the dispensed raw material and transfer the dispensed material to dispensed material quarantine area.

Drug Master Files (DMFs) and it submission

Line clearance check for Dispensing of Raw Materials 

Is the temperature 20-25°c? Actual Temperature

Is the Humidity 50±20%RH?

Is the pressure differential NLT actually 1.2

Is the room clean where the material to be dispensed kept?

Is the LAF table cleaned and switched on at least 15 minutes before starting dispensing?

Are all the materials of the previous batch/ product been completely removed including dust bins?

Is the balance clean and calibrated?

Do all the materials to be dispensed have approved status?

Are all the dispensing devices clean & ready for use?

Are polybags of various sizes required for dispensing materials available?

Is the copy of said BMR relevant to dispensing available?

Isopropyl Alcohol: 8.00 kg

Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone  K 30(Kollidon K 30) : 1.0 kg


Colloidal Anhydrous  Silica (Aerosol 200): 1.0 kg

Croscarmellose sodium (Ac-di-SD-711) : 1.4 kg

Magnesium Stearate : 0.6 kg

Coating material issue note:

Opadry pink: 1. kg

purified water: 5.0 kg

Water contents shall be compensated based on the actual %of water in API.  If the assay of the API is more than 100%  the standard quantity of Atorvastatin calcium shall be taken Atorvastatin calcium should be micronized& the particle size of Atorvastatin calcium should be d90 below 50 microns.

Theoretically, 10.85 mg of Atorvastatin calcium is equivalent to 10 mg of Atorvastatin.

Quantity of Microcrystalline Cellulose to be adjusted based on  actual assay & % w/w  water content of Atorvastatin calcium

Calculation of material required for a single A.R no for the standard batch size 

Calculation of Atorvastatin  calcium(For Single A.R.No)

A.R.No of Atorvastatin  calcium ,Assay on Dried Basis (ODB)——-%w/w ,LOD——–%w/w

The standard quantity of Atorvastatin calcium for batch on 100% Basis(Q)in Kgs i.e. 2.17 Kgs for 200000 tablets batch size as per BMR.

Actual Quantity to be issued  Std Qty (Q) *100*100

against of Atorvastatin  calcium (Q1)in Kgs  =  Assay on (ODB)*(100-LOD)

Note: if the quantity of Atorvastatin calcium is insufficient for the batch then proceed with under mentioned calculation.

Calculation of material required if the material available is not sufficient from one Batch or Lot, then the calculation of the next  Lot/Batch shall be performed as under.

From first A.R No. quantity of batch available (Q1) which is insufficient for the batch & in this case remaining quantity shall be taken from another batch A.R No along with Q1 for 100% assay basis by the following expression.

A.R No of  Atorvastatin  calcium, Assay on Dried basis (ODB) ——%w/w, LOD——-% w/w

Quantity available Atorvastatin  calcium =  Kg

Available Quantity on 100% basis  of Atorvastatin   =  Quantity available * 100*100/Assay (ODB)*(100-LOD)

calcium in Kgs(Q1)————————————— = Kgs

Further, use the following  expression to calculate the quantity of additional Atorvastatin  calcium quantity required from the next batch or Lot 

A.R No. of Atorvastatin calcium ————– Assay on Dried basis (ODB) ——%w/w LOD——-% w/w

Quantity required of Atorvastatin calcium another lot or batch at 100% basis in Kgs (Y)=Std. Quantity reqd. for the batch – Quantity for 1st  lot/batch. = ———-Kgs.

Available Quantity to be

issued against Atorvastatin   = Std. quantity (Y)*100*100

calcium (Y1)in Kgs ————– = Kgs

Assay on (ODB)*(100-LOD)

Total Quantity issued in Kgs

Note: if more than two batches are required then the calculation follows these steps.

Adjustment or statement batch size in Kgs. 

The actual quantity of Atorvastatin calcium is to be calculated on the basis of assay and water of the drug and the quantity is to be compensated with microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH101).

The actual quantity of Atorvastatin  calcium – Standard quantity of Atorvastatin  calcium = Kgs

Standard  qty. of microcrystalline cellulose -quantity =Kgs

General instruction for Manufacturing 

During the operation, all personnel of the manufacturing area should wear clean uniforms, caps, nose masks, and hand gloves.

Check the relative humidity, temperature, and pressure difference and record where ever necessary & should be Temp 20-25ºc  & RH 50±20%, PD -NLT 1.2 mm water.

Check the line clearance, cleanliness of the area, and equipment.

Cross-check the weight of the material before taking it up to manufacturing against the dispensing label and status label.

In case of any deviations in the process, intimate to the QA and take approval from the QA  for the same.

Whenever there is a machine breakdown during processing, rectify the machine and take again line clearance from QA before starting the operation.

Holding time

Dispensed materials: 15 days from the date of dispensing.

Blend: Compression to be completed within 15 days from the date of quality control approval.

Compressed tablets: To be coated within 30 days from the date of compressed tablets’ approval by QC.

Coated tablets: Packing is to be completed within 45 days from the date of approval by QC.

Equipment Required

S.S Scoops & Inprocess plastic containers

Dispensing cabinet

Vibratory sifter

Fluid bed processor

Conta blender

Tablet compression machine


Metal Detector

Dust collector

Lifting & positioning device

Friability Apparatus

Digital hardness tester

Disintegration test apparatus

Vernier  caliper


Auto coater machine

Solution preparation tank

Colloidal mill

Tablet inspection machine

Line Clearance for Granulation

is the temperature 20-25°c? Actual Temperature

is the Humidity 50±20%RH actual

is the pressure differential NLT 1.2 Actual

is the room clean, where the material to be processed is kept & where the processing is to be done?

Does all the equipment have cleaned status labels & is the cleaning in the validity periods?

Are all the materials of the previous product/batch been removed including the dust bin

Are all the documents /papers  for the previous product/batch been removed

Is the BMR for the same product & required batch available?

Are all the materials issued of the required batch & product only?

Manufacturing Process


Sievesintegrity checked (Before sifting) Set sifter with 40 sieves and sift & mix Atorvastatin Calcium Micronized Standard Quantity 2.17 kg Calcium Carbonate (PPT)(Calopake extra light) Standard Quantity 1.0kg

Set the sifter  with 40 # sieves & mix with Microcrystalline Cellulose (Avicel PH 101) Standard Quantity 10.93kg

Lactose Monohydrate (Pharmatose 200M)

Standard Quantity 10.93kg

Collect sifted material in a polyline container and Check the sleeve integrity # 40 after sifting

Preparation of binding solution

Collect in an SS vessel Isopropyl Standard Quantity 8.00kg

Add slowly into isopropyl alcohol following material under stirring Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone K 30(Kollidon K 30)___Kgs

Standard Quantity 1.000kg

Stir the solution until the Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone K 30(Kollidon K 30) is completely dissolved


Set FBP & load in top spray product container,sifted materials from 10 min at 20 rpm

Mixing starting at Mixing over at Blower speed

Set the parameters as given in the following table


Inlet temperature:30°-65°c

Bed temp.:20°-35°c

Blower speed:20-40Hz

Peristaltic pump speed:20-80 rpm

Granulate material by spraying with binder and with continuous drying. Dry the granules till the LOD of the granules is NMT 3.0% by halogen moisture balance

Granulation Time

From________To_____________LOD(NMT 3.0%)

Upload the dried granules in polyline containers

Line clearance for Blending

is the temperature 20-25°c? Actual Temperature

is the Humidity 50±20%RH actual

is the pressure differential NLT 1.2 Actual

is the room clean, where the material to be processed is kept & where the processing is to be done?

Does all the equipment have cleaned status labels & is the cleaning in the validity periods?

Are all the materials of the previous product/batch been removed including the dust bin?

Are all the documents /papers  for the previous product/batch been removed

Is the BMR for the same product & required batch available?

Are all the materials issued of the required batch & product only?


Set sifter with 40# sleve for lubricant and sift Colloidal Anhydrous Silica____Kgs

Croscarmellose  sodium___________Kgs

Set sifter with 60# sleve and sift Magnesium Stearate ________ Kgs

Collect sifted material in a polyline container and Check the sleeve integrity # 40 after sifting


Fit IPC container to Conta Blender.

Load dried granules & lubricants in a conta blender. Mix it for 15 minutes at 9 RPM speed.

Total Blending time(Std time 15 min.)

Weigh the material. Affix the label on the IPC. Transfer it to blend hold room

Lubricant Granules Reconciliation 

Theoretical weight of the lubricated granules

Actual weight of granules

QC samples

In-process check loss

Process loss

Actual percentage yield B*100/A  =   —–  =    ——  Kgs

Reconciliation yield (B+C+D)*100/A  = —– = —— %

Send dully filled analysis requisition to QC Department to collect the sample  for analysis

Blend Analysis Test Report

A.R No

Description: White color granule powder

Essay: Atorvastatin  calcium 95-105% of LC

Report: The sample complies/does not comply with the specification number


Bring approved blend into the Compression area

Attach metal detector unit after de-duster of compression M/C at both sides (LHS & RHS). Check the performance of the metal detector at every start of the operation & every 4 hours during compression using 0.2 mm ferrous & 0.4 mm Non-ferrous blocks & record the observation.

Compress the blend using upper punches 7.0 mm round, standard, concave embossed with «10» & lower punch 7.0 mm round, standard, concave plain. Set the parameters of compressed tablets as per the parameters mentioned below

Destroy the compressed tablets of the initial two rotations

Carry out the initial checks before starting the operations as specified in the specification given.

Check and enter the individual weight of 37/45 tablets from RHS & LHS separately   in the formats provided

Check the record of the Thickness  & Hardness, DT, Friability, and group wt of 20 tablets.

Check and enter the uniform weight of 20 tablets from LHS  as well as  RHS in the prescribed format.

Collects the tablets in a double polythene cover-lined, tightly closed, container. weigh each container & record the weight in the given format

Line Clearance Checks for Compression Process 

is the temperature 20-25°c? Actual Temperature

is the Humidity 50±20%RH actual

is the pressure differential NLT 1.2 Actual

is the room clean, where the material to be processed is kept & where the processing is to be done?

Does all the equipment have cleaned status labels & is the cleaning in the validity periods?

Are all the material of the previous product/batch been removed including the dust bin

Are all the documents /papers  for the previous product/batch been removed

Is the BMR for the same product & required batch available?

Are the bags fixed to dust collectors’ dedicated ones

Do the bins containing granules for the compression are of the relevant product/batch number and do bins have released status?

Are the metal detector challenged?

Is the startup test as per BMR?

Initial Checks

Description: White to off-white, round-shaped coated tablets embossed with «10» on one side and plain on another side.

Weight of 20 tablets:2.90gm /±3.0%

Average weight:145.00mg ±3.0%


Diameters:7.10 mm

Hardness: NLT 20Kgs

Disintegration time: NMT 15 min

Friability: NMT 1%

Performance Checks for Metal Detector 

Frequency: at every start of the operation & every 4 hours during compression

Size of Metal Block : 0.2 mm (ferrous) & 0.4 mm (Non ferrous)

Reconciliation of compressed Tablet



Weight of granules received for compression

Weight of the compressed tablet

Tablets send to Quality Control

In process sample

Loss during compression

Actual percentage yield

Reconciliation percentage yield

Reconciled by (Production)

Send dully filled analysis requisition to Q.C Department to collect the sample for analysis
The requisition analysis sheet was sent by

Coating  Process

is the temperature 20-25°c? Actual Temperature

is the Humidity 50±20%RH actual

is the pressure differential NLT 1.2 Actual

is the room clean, where the material to be processed is kept & where the processing is to be done?

Does all the equipment have cleaned status labels & is the cleaning in the validity periods?

Are all the materials of the previous product/batch been removed including the dust bin

Are all the documents /papers  for the previous product/batch been removed

Is the BMR for the same product & required batch available?

Ensure that the container containing tablets for coating has released status

Is the startup test as per BMR?

Coating Process

Room Temperature :20-25°c

Pressure Differential :NLT 1.2

Relative Humidity :50±20%

Preparation of Solution

In the solution preparation tank add and prepare the solution of the following materials

Opadry Pink

Std. Qty. 1.000 Kgs

Purified water

Std. Qty. 5.00 Kgs

Stir the solution for 1 hour


Load the tablets in a coating pan. Start the hot water blower, and set the supply air temperature at 65 -80°c. Start the exhaust fan, and warm the tablet bed to 45°c.

When the exhaust temp reaches 45°c, adjust the spray gun, and start the peristaltic pump with the coating solution. Spray the solution on a rolling tablet bed; simultaneously keep on drying the tablets. continue coating till the solution gets exhausted.

Continue coating as per the following parameters

Pan speed :3-6 rpm

Peristaltic pump :6-15 min

inlet temperature :65°c-80°c

Exhausted temperature :45°c-55°c

Upload the tablet in a polyline container and weigh it. Check  & record the above parameters of coated tablets

Description: Pink, circular, biconvex film-coated tablets with«10» embossed on one side and plain on another side.
Weight of 20 tablets:3.00±3.0%(2.91-3.09 gms)
Average tablet:150 mg± 3.0%
Disintegration Test: NMT 30 min

Reconciliation of  Coated Tablet



Tablet received for coating

QC sample

In the process check the loss

Loss during coating

Actual percentage yield

Reconciliation percentage yield

Reconciled by (Production)

Send dully filled analysis requisition to Q.C Department to collect the sample for analysis

The requisition analysis sheet was sent by to Inspection

Use a nose mask and hand gloves during the operation.

Check for line clearance, and cleanliness of the area  equipment and record the observations

Transfer the coated tablet into the tablet inspection area.

Transfer the required qty. of tablets into the hopper of the tablet inspection machine

Inspect each tablet for any defects and segregate the goods and rejected one

Keep the inspected tablets in a double polyethylene bag lined drum, weigh and record

Line clearance (Tablet Inspection)

is the temperature 20-25°c? Actual Temperature

is the Humidity 50±20% RH actual

is the pressure differential NLT 1.2 Actual

is the room clean, where the material to be processed is kept & where the processing is to be done?

Does all the equipment have cleaned status labels & is the cleaning in the validity periods?

Are all the materials of the previous product/batch been removed including the dust bin

Are all the documents /papers  for the previous product/batch been removed

Are the remnants of the previous batch/product removed?

Is the area clean & dirty?

Are relevant status labels affixed?

Equipment clean (check visually or wash water reports)?

Tablet Inspection Record

Container No
Weight of tablets
Wt. of tablets after inspection
Rejected tablets

Reconciliation of inspected tablets



Tablet received for inspection

Inspected tablets

Rejection Tablets

Actual percentage yield

Checked by

Document  Reconciliation

No. of BMR pages
No. of additional pages
No. dispensing labels


REMARKS: All content of the batch record has been checked, reviewed & found to comply/not compiling with the proper requirements .as per in-process check records & analytical data submitted by quality control the product complies/does not comply with specifications. Hence the batch can/cannot be released for further manufacturing stage.

 QA Head