SOP for operation & cleaning of electronic balance 3 Kgs (lakshmi Samson)

SOP for operation & cleaning of electronic balance 3 Kgs (lakshmi Samson)

  • Objective:
  • To lay down a procedure for operation & cleaning of electronic balance 3 kgs (Make Lakshmi Samson)
  • Scope
  • This SOP is applicable for operation & cleaning of electronic balance 3 kgs (Make Lakshmi Samson).
  • Responsibility
  • Production officer/ Executive
  • Accountability
  • Production Head shall be accountable for the compliance of SOP.
  • Abbreviations
  • SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
  •  IPA : Iso Propyl Alcohol.
  • Glucosamine Sulphate 500 mg
  • Procedure
  • Operation
  • Switch “ON” the main electric supply to the balance.
  • Turn “ON” the balance switch at the bottom side of the balance.
  • Display screen of balance will display “Hello”.
  • Wait for some time until 0.0 is displayed on the balance screen.
  • Balance will be ready for weighing, day’s activity can be started.
  • To deliver the exact results, balance must be warmed up for at least 15 minutes.
  • If 0.0 is not displayed on the balance screen press the T/Z key, to display 0.0.
  • After completion of the day’s activity press the balance switch & main switch in “OFF” position.
  • Note: Before starting the day’s activity, daily verification must be done according to SOP for balance calibration.
  • Cleaning Procedure
  • Cleaning of the electronic balance should be done daily after day activities are over.
  • Clean the entire balance surface with dry mop.
  • Clean the entire balance with lint free mop soaked in 70% IPA.
  • Operation Conditions
  • Keep the balance in dust free atmosphere.
  • Keep the balance away from vibration to get stable reading & accurate result.
  • Avoid spilling of product and other materials on the balance platform.
  • Ensure the balance is operated in the normal temperature.
  • Do not put the object on to the balance platform with great force.
  • Do not exceed the operating range of weight.
  • Forms and Records (Annexures)
  • Not Applicable
  • Distribution
  • Master copy –  Quality Assurance
  • Controlled copies- Quality Assurance, Production, Quality Control
  • History
    Date Revision Number
    Reason for Revision
    00 New SOP


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