OBJECTIVE : To lay down the procedure for all SOP on Electronic Data Backup Management System.

SCOPE : This SOP is applicable for all SOP ON electronic data backup MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

RESPONSIBILITY : Officer and above shall responsible for preparation of SOP and create numbering system of computer and accessories.

Executive and above shall responsible for Reviewed/Checked of SOP.

Head QA shall responsible for approval of this SOP.

ACCOUNTABILITY : Executive and above shall be accountable for the implementation of SOPs.

Definition :

Back–Up: The process of saving data on to a magnetic media or any other off line mass storage device for the purpose of preventing loss of data integrity and redundancy in case of any disaster.

Restoration: The process of bringing off line backup from the media to a storage system such as file server is called restoration.

Users: Users including application software owners who want to backup their data to a media for disaster recovery.


Back–Up : Back–up coverage shall consist of the folders pointed out by the users to IT Admin.

Back–Up Policy: Backup policy shall be created by IT Admin as per the  Requirement received from users; The backup types will be considered as follows-

Monthly Back–Up: Monthly back – up shall be done on every month on first week and the same shall be considered as a full back – up. There are minimum 2 sets of back – up media. The retention period of the same shall be of 10 years or as per business need.

Back-Up Schedule: Data shall be backed up as per the schedule calendar created by Unit IT In-charge, Annexure –1: Back-Up Selection and Timing shall be followed for backup Schedule.

Back-Up Selection: Data selection for backup shall be based on user’s request. User shall keep all important data into specified storage space allotted by IT. The user shall point out the folders to be backed – up to IT Admin. Annexure – 1: Backup Selection Request Form shall be filled as below:

Date: Date shall be mentioned by user.

Department: Department Name Shall be mentioned.

Server Name: Sever Name shall be mentioned by the user from where the back-up needs to be taken.

Path / Folder to be Backed-Up: User shall mention the complete path of the folder from where the back-up needs to be taken.

Current Size of the Folder: Current size of the folder shall be mentioned by the user.

User Name: Concerned User shall specify the user name with sign and date.

Approval from Department Head: User shall get the approval from Department Head with sign and date.

Received By: IT Admin shall sign and date on receipt of Backup Selection Request Form.

Back-Up Creation Status: IT Admin shall mention the backup creation status i.e. complete or incomplete.

Back-Up Creation Date: IT Admin shall mention the backup creation date

Sign and Date of IT Admin: IT Admin shall sign and date for the activity performed.

Sign and Date of IT Head: IT Head shall authorize the same with sign and date for the activity perfo

Media Labeling and Media Life:

Media Labeling: The media used for taking backup shall be labeled in a proper way by help desk In-charge for easy identification during restoration  procedure

Media Life: The media life may be considered for 10 years.

Backup Procedure: On receipt of request from user; IT Admin shall create the back– up policy and inform the same to help desk In-charge to handle the back – up as per back – up policy. The help desk In-charge shall follow the procedure as described below:

As per the backup policy, take all projects in external HDD or USB pen drive as per requirement.

In case of failure, inform the same to IT Admin and reinitiate the back – up. In case of instrument failure, IT Admin shall contact vendor immediately and same shall be reported in remarks section of Back–Up Report.

Generate backup report on monthly basis and send it to IT admin and keep a hard copy duly signed by help desk In-charge as well as IT Admin. Back – up report shall be filled by Help desk in-charge as described below, Help desk in-charge shall fill up the backup report as per attachment – 6: Back – Up log Report.

Location: Location name shall be mentioned.

Server Name: Server name shall be mentioned.

Policy: Policy name shall be mentioned.

Back-up Date: Date of back – up shall be mentioned.

Back-up Start Time: Time at which back – up started shall be mentioned.

Elapsed Time: Total Time taken for back – up shall be mentioned.

Back – up Size in Kilobytes: Back – up size in Kilobytes shall be mentioned.

Schedule Name: Back – Up policy schedule name shall be mentioned.

Schedule Type: Back – Up policy schedule type shall be mentioned.

Retention Period: Retention period shall be mentioned as per back up policy.

Media Name: Media label name shall be mentioned.

Back-Up Status: Help desk in-charge shall mention the backup status i.e. success or failure.

Remarks: Help desk in-charge shall mention the remarks in case, if any.

Back – Up Report Date: Help desk in-charge shall mention date on which Back – Up Report has been prepared.

Help desk in-charge shall sign and date for the back – up report prepared.

Reviewed By: IT Admin shall sign and date for review of back – Up report Prepared

IT Head: IT Head shall sign and date to authenticate back – up report prepared

Backup Media Storage: The media used for taking monthly backup shall be moved to different place in Admin building for storage which can be restored during disaster. The same shall be stored in a magnetic field protected and dust free environment. It shall be kept in a dual layer protected safe (Dual layer Protection the safe shall be secured with lock and key along with a secured cupboard).

Restoration: Due to unexpected deletion of the data, the user shall fill up the backup Restoration Form after taking approval from the department head, the restoration process shall start once the request has been received by help desk in-charge from the user. Also to update users the status of restoration efforts during disaster or unexpected deletion. Attachment–3: Backup Restoration Request Form shall be filled as below:

Date: Date shall be mentioned by user.

Time and Date of Deletion: User shall specify the time and date when the data has been deleted

Department: Name of Department shall be mentioned

Server Name: User shall specify the server name

Path / Folder Name of the file to be restored: User shall specify the path or folder name from where the data has to be restored.

Reason for Data Restoration: User shall specify the reason for restoration of data

User Name: Concerned User shall specify the user name with sign and date

Approval from Department Head: User shall get the approval from Department Head with sign and date.

Received By: Help Desk in-charge shall sign and date on receipt of Back – Up Restoration Request Form.

Restoration Status: Help Desk in-charge shall mention the status of the restoration process i.e. complete or incomplete.

Date of Restoration: IT Admin shall mention the date on which data has been restored back.

Sign and Date of Help Desk In – Charge: Help Desk In – Charge shall Sign & Date for activity performed.

Sign and Date IT Admin: IT Admin shall Sign & Date for the activity performed by Help Desk in-charge.

Restoration Procedure: On receipt of request, from concerned user, help desk in-charge shall find the correct tape as per labeling from offsite media storage.

Off Site Media Outward Log shall be filled as below :

Media Name: Help Desk In – charge shall specify the media name from media label

Location: Help desk in-charge shall mention the location for media outward

Date of Outward: Help Desk In – charge shall mention the date for outward of the Media

Name of Person: The person who outward the tape from the storage system shall mention name.

Sign and Date: Help Desk in-charge shall Sign & Date for activity performed.

Insert the media in to the drive: Back–Up Restoration Procedure for Restoration Procedure. User shall cross verify the restored data after Restoration Procedure. After the Restoration Procedure help desk in-charge shall keep back the tape at its desired location and shall make entry.

Back–Up Recovery Drills: IT Admin shall perform back–up recovery drills along with different user departments. The same shall be carried out at every three months’ time interval with randomly selected departments and data.

Backup Recovery Drill shall be filled as per below:

Date of Backup Recovery: IT Admin shall mention the date of back–up recovery drill carried out.

Department Involved: IT Admin shall mention the department involved in the Back up Recovery drill.

Server Name: IT Admin shall mention the server name.

Path / Folder Name of the file recovered: IT Admin shall mention Path/folder name recovered during the drill.

Recovery Status with Remarks: IT Admin shall mention the Recovery Status i.e. successful or unsuccessful and remarks if any.

Data Verified By: User of concerned Department shall sign and date after verification of data.

Sign and Date of IT Admin: IT Admin shall sign and date for the activity performed.

Sign and Date of IT Head: IT Head shall sign and date to authenticate the recovery drill performed.

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