Safety in Microbiology
Safety is of utmost importance in a microbiology laboratory to prevent any potential infections caused by the microorganisms under study. It is crucial to be aware that certain reagents, equipment, and procedures used in the lab can be hazardous. Therefore, it is essential to follow proper protocols and exercise caution to ensure your safety and protection.
It is important to note that this laboratory does not involve the use of highly virulent human pathogens. However, some of the organisms used have the potential to cause disease. While they may not harm a healthy individual, they can pose a risk if the body’s antimicrobial defense mechanisms are compromised. Various factors can weaken these defenses, such as skin wounds, lowered resistance due to other illnesses, surgery, stress, immune system disorders (including autoimmune diseases), or the use of immuno-suppressive drugs. Additionally, although rare, even relatively nonpathogenic organisms can cause infection in healthy individuals.
Furthermore, certain chemicals used in the laboratory can be harmful. Additionally, many procedures involve the use of equipment, glassware, open flames, heat sterilizers, and sharp objects, which can lead to injuries if mishandled.
While none of the organisms, procedures, or materials used in this laboratory are highly dangerous, it is crucial to understand and incorporate proper safety techniques and precautions into your reflexive laboratory practices. The following laboratory rules and regulations must be strictly followed at all times without any exceptions.
Moreover, specific rules for containment of microbial cultures must be adhered to in order to ensure the safety of everyone in the laboratory. The practices specific to this laboratory are outlined below.
General Safety SOP in Microbiology
To lay down the procedure for General Safety in Microbiology Laboratory.
This SOP is applicable for General Safety in Microbiology Laboratory of (Pharmaceutical Company Name).
Microbiologist or above of Microbiology Laboratory: Preparation of SOP.
Head – Microbiology section / Nominee: Checking of the SOP.
Head – Quality Control / Nominee: Compliance of SOP.
Abbreviations and Definitions
SOP: Standard operating procedure
LAF : Laminar Air Flow
Every individual must wear a clean laboratory garments or apron inside the laboratory.
Every individual must wear goggles while handling chemicals and face mask and gloves while handling microbial cultures.
Upon entering the lab, and after finishing work, clean the LAF bench space with the disinfectant.
Keep all sources of possible contamination out of your mouth–hands, pencils, laboratory ware, and other items.
Do not drink or eat in the laboratory.
Decontaminate and clean all contaminated equipment glassware such as pipettes, Petri plate etc.
Report accidents, such as a spilled culture or a cut, to the laboratory supervisor.
Handling of Microbiological spillage:
Spillage of bacterial / fungal suspensions and contaminated media shall be immediately poured with disinfectant solution and allowed to be in contact for at least for 10 minutes.
Wear hand gloves and mask and clean up the spills with paper towels. Discard the towels and media materials in to a SS bin.
Decontaminate (As per decontamination and disposal of used media SOP No.: QC-) the spills by placing the SS vessel in vertical autoclave.
Disinfect the hands after cleaning of spillage.
Handling of chemical spillage:
Immediately after Spillage all the persons to be informed in the laboratory, ensure that they do not walk on the spillage.
Person involving in cleaning must wear goggles, hand gloves and nose mask while cleaning.
In case of corrosive liquids, put sand on spillage area, remove sand and discard. Clean with wet cloth.
In case of powder or solid spillage they are to be discarded after dissolving in water.
In case of organic solvents dry cloth mopping is to be done, solvent to be wiped and collected in a container to discard.
For water spillage mop with dry cloth.
Sample destruction:
Do not discard any sample in powder form, all analytical left over samples to be dissolved in water and drained in sink.
Samples which are not dissolved in water are to be dissolved in 10% NaOH solution.
Note: In case of any abnormal smell is detected vacate the lab and in form to Supervisor or Department Head.