House keeping


OBJECTIVE:  To lay down a standard operating procedure for Housekeeping in the factory.

SCOPE: This SOP is applicable for Housekeeping.

RESPONSIBILITY: Officer/ Executive – HR

ACCOUNTABILITY: Manager/ Head- QA / All Concerned HOD



Mops, Wiper, Glass wiper, Glass cleaner and Vacuum Cleaner and plastic broom shall be used for cleaning.


2.5% Dettol solution in purified water.

Take 25 ml Dettol Solution in a measuring cylinder and make 1.0 liter using purified water.

2.5 % Savlon in purified water.

Take 25 ml Savlon Solution in a measuring cylinder and make 1.0 liter using purified water.

70 % IPA Sanitizer in Purified Water:

Take 700 ml IPA Solution in a measuring cylinder and make 1.0 liter using Purified Water.

Disinfectants and Sanitization Solution Preparation Details:

Disinfectants/ SanitizationsPurposeConcentrationPreparation of disinfectants/sanitizations solution                  (For One Lit.)
Disinfectants/Sanitizations in (ml)Purified waterin (ml)Total Solutionin ml
DettolSurface  disinfectant2.5%259751000
SavlonSurface  disinfectant2.5%259751000
IPAHand  Sanitizer70%7003001000


Change the Disinfectant and sanitization solution preparation on a daily basis as per schedule:

Used detailsDisinfectants  solution for cleaning
Hand SanitizerConcentration70% IPA for Hand sanitizing


Maintain the disinfectant and Sanitization solution preparation record.

Daily Cleaning of Area:

Clean the floor with plastic broom, perform this operation twice a day.

Mop the floor and cross over bench twice a day using disinfectant solution.

Clean the Lockers and shoe racks and fire extinguisher from outside with Wet lint free cloth.

Clean the view panels and doors using Colin solution and lint free cloth.

Clean the corridor with wet mop by using disinfectant solution.

Empty out the dust bins and replace the polybags if required.

Weekly cleaning of Area:

Clean the ceilings and walls and coving with wet lint free cloth and remove dust if any.

Clean the housing and external surface of air curtains with vacuum cleaner.

Clean the inlet air duct grills, electrical conduits and light fixtures with dry lint free cloth.

Remove the stains on floor if any by scrubbing with a brush using disinfectant solution followed by mopping with clean duster.

Open the lid of the drain pot and remove solid particles if any into a poly bag. Clean the drain surface, reservoir and the plate with nylon brush using the solution and wash it off with potable water.

Fill the House Keeping Report , sign it and get it counter signed by responsible person of area.

Prepare all disinfectants in freshly collected purified water only and record the same in the “Disinfectants and Sanitizations Solution Preparation” .

Label the disinfectant solution.

Every day at the end of the shift drain out the remaining disinfectant solution.


ANNEXURE 1- Disinfectant and Sanitization Solution Preparation Record

ANNEXURE -2 Area Cleaning Records


This SOP shall be distributed all below mentioned departments in the manufacturing facility.

Master Copy -Quality Assurance Department

Controlled Copy – HR Department

Controlled Display Copy -HR Department

ANNEXURE 1- Content

Disinfectants and Sanitization Solution Preparation

Disinfectant Solution Preparation For Cleaning – (Disinfectant In  %,Total Solution In Lit., Take Purified in Liter., Disinfect qty. In Liter., Used Qty.)

Prepared by/Checked By/Verified By

ANNEXURE 2- Content of Area Cleaning Record

  • Area/Item/ Frequency
  • Floors – Twice a Day
  • Windows – Daily
  • Doors – Daily
  • Equipment – Daily
  • Base Platform – Daily
  • Light Fixtures – Fortnightly
  • Walls Ceilings – Fortnightly
  • Riser Grills – Fortnightly

About Pharmaceutical Guidanace

Ms. Abha Maurya is the Author and founder of pharmaceutical guidance, he is a pharmaceutical Professional from India having more than 18 years of rich experience in pharmaceutical field. During his career, he work in quality assurance department with multinational company’s i.e Zydus Cadila Ltd, Unichem Laboratories Ltd, Indoco remedies Ltd, Panacea Biotec Ltd, Nectar life Science Ltd. During his experience, he face may regulatory Audit i.e. USFDA, MHRA, ANVISA, MCC, TGA, EU –GMP, WHO –Geneva, ISO 9001-2008 and many ROW Regularities Audit i.e.Uganda,Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. He is currently leading a regulatory pharmaceutical company as a head Quality. You can join him by Email, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and YouTube

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