PURPOSE : The purpose of this procedure is to establish proper and adequate communication between department originating a request for some maintenance / civil jobs and personnel actually performing these jobs.
SCOPE : For all jobs to be carried out in the plant premises where there is an interaction of two or more departments (e.g. production – maintenance, production – civil).
RESPONSIBILITY : All Area managers / Area supervisors are responsible to ensure that maintenance work request and work permit system is followed in their area of control.
Security Manager / EOHS Manager / Area manager will be responsible to monitor the compliance of this procedure.
a) Whenever an equipment needs some maintenance, the Area Supervisor / Manager shall initiate a Maintenance work request & work permit
b) The Area manager / Supervisor will hand over the work permit to maintenance Supervisor / Manager giving details of equipment and the breakdown.
c) It is the responsibility of the concerned Area Supervisor / manager to make all the necessary isolation and keep the equipment ready for maintenance as per safety procedure on Equipment Tagging System.
d) The Maintenance Supervisor / Manager will depute mechanics to attend to the breakdown giving them necessary safety instructions for the particular job.
e) The Mechanic assigned for the job shall report to the Area Supervisor / Manager and obtain a Work Permit in writing before actually starting the work.
f) After completion of work, the Mechanic will obtain clearance from the concerned Supervisor / Manager and hand over the Work Request and Work Permit copy to Maintenance Supervisor / Manager for record.
The type of jobs covered under the procedure will include painting, white-washing, floor cleaning / polishing, breaking of walls, masonry repairs.
Same Procedure as above will be followed.
a) The procedure shall apply for all jobs even if a particular job is to be done by Contractor personnel.
b) For any new project work, it will be the responsibility of the work co-ordinator to issue Work Permits to personnel working. The important safety instructions shall be given in writing and Work Permit shall be revalidated on each day of work.
c) If a job in one area is expected to effect the adjacent area as well, specific written clearance shall be obtained from that department also.